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10803-01 - Kurs mit Prüfung: Introduction into the Ethnography of East Africa 4 KP

Semester Frühjahrsemester 2015
Angebotsmuster unregelmässig
Dozierende Brigit Obrist van Eeuwijk (brigit.obrist@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn)
Inhalt Today, adventures like a safari or climbing the Kilimanjaro attract Europeans to visit East Africa. Less known are the long and eventful history, the cultural development and the diverse and rapidly changing everyday life of the people in this region. East Africa is a cradle of mankind. On the Swahili coast of the Indian Ocean, Orient and Occident have met for many centuries, and the secret of the source of the Nile lured famous investigators like David Livingstone. After a relatively short colonial period which was dominated by the British the three countries in the heart of East Africa, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda have gone their own ways. Nevertheless, in historical times and still today, the cultures and societies of this heartland are intertwined. Moreover, they can only be understood if neighbouring societies in the borderlands with Ruanda and Burundi, the southern part of Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia, the Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba and the Northern parts of Moçambique, Malawi and Zambia are taken into consideration.
Our lecture begins with an overview of these diverse developments and then focuses on specific ethnic groups and topics which have received and still receive particular interest in anthropology. The didactic approach is a mixture of lecturing and interactive methods including discussions among all participants and in small groups.
Lernziele To gain an overview of a region in Africa
Weblink https://ethnologie.unibas.ch/studies/cou


Teilnahmebedingungen No particular requirements
Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Einsatz digitaler Medien kein spezifischer Einsatz
HörerInnen willkommen


Intervall Wochentag Zeit Raum

Keine Einzeltermine verfügbar, bitte informieren Sie sich direkt bei den Dozierenden.

Module Modul Basics: Social Anthropology (Master Studiengang: African Studies)
Modul Einführung in die Ethnographie einer Grossregion (Bachelor Studienfach: Ethnologie)
Modul Ethnographie (Bachelor Studienfach: Ethnologie (Studienbeginn vor 01.08.2013))
Modul Introduction to Interdisciplinary African Studies (Master Studiengang: African Studies (Studienbeginn vor 01.08.2013))
Leistungsüberprüfung Leistungsnachweis
An-/Abmeldung zur Leistungsüberprüfung Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: nicht erforderlich
Wiederholungsprüfung eine Wiederholung, Wiederholung zählt
Skala Pass / Fail
Wiederholtes Belegen beliebig wiederholbar
Zuständige Fakultät Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät, studadmin-philhist@unibas.ch
Anbietende Organisationseinheit Fachbereich Ethnologie
