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45378-01 - Seminar: Global Ageing in the 21st Century (6 KP)

Semester Herbstsemester 2020
Angebotsmuster unregelmässig
Dozierende Charlotte Blattner (charlotte.blattner@unibas.ch)
Janine Dumont (janine.dumont@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn)
Inhalt Thanks to new achievements of science and health care, modern societies have greatly improved average working conditions and thereby extended people’s average life spans. The promise of a healthy and long life, together with an increasing prosperity of people was the consequence of this achievement and led to fewer births among privileged people. Correlation between age, reliable health care and declining population growth is not solely a Western phenomenon but a development that is now observed on a global scale. The relationship between different generations has been at the centre of public attention in 2020, not least because of the global COVID-19 pandemic. On the one hand, laws restricting public life were put in place in response to a call for solidarity with the elderly. On the other hand, older generations were greatly affected by restrictions and thereby made dependent on others. How are these interests translated into law and mediated by it? Do states have a duty to protect the elderly? When do differentiations amount to forms of discrimination? This seminar examines these and other pressing legal questions that arise when societies age or lack an opportunity to age. Students may choose among numerous topics covering the legal dimensions of e.g., intergenerational equity, age as a form of disability, age and nutrition, age and autonomy, discrimination of older workers or tenants, reverse discrimination of young people in politics, age and illnesses of old age, age and assisted suicide, or global ageing and the challenges of technology. Students are invited to approach this topic from a Swiss, European, or international law perspective and are encouraged to use comparative analyses where appropriate.
Lernziele This seminar is intended to promote and strengthen participants’ ability to critically assess the global dimensions of aging from a legal perspective. The seminar encourages students to learn about, apply, and perfect their legal writing skills, and make use of legal research methods. Students will work independently to develop their own topic but they are expected to participate in the seminar and will have an opportunity to practice their presentation skills as they present their work to the class.
Literatur (Selection)
The following are sample sources for students to gain a basic understanding of the legal phenomena surrounding global ageing. You do not need to buy any literature before the introductory session.
Freeman, M., Hawkes, S., Bennett, B. (Hrsg.), Law and Global Health, OUP 2014
Hoppler-Wyss, J., Recht im Alter, Dike 2011
Johnson, M. L. (Hrsg.), The Cambridge Handbook of Age and Ageing, CUP 2005
Journal of International Ageing, Law and Policy, Stetson University College of Law
McDaniel S.A., Zimmer Z. (eds.), Global Ageing in the Twenty First Century. Ashgate Publishing Ltd 2013
Müller, T., Alter und Recht, Das menschliche Alter und seine Bedeutung für das Recht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des europäischen und nationalen Antidiskriminierungsrechts, Peter Lang 2011
Rechel B., Doyle Y., Grundy E., McKee M., How can Health Systems Respond to Population Ageing? World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe 2009
Rust, U., Lange, J., Pfannkuche, H. (eds.): Altersdiskriminierung und Beschäftigung, Evang. Akademie Loccu 2006
Bemerkungen Studierende, die zu Semesterbeginn noch nicht eingeschrieben sind, werden gebeten, sich an die Studienkoordination des Europainstitutes (master-eib@unibas.ch) zu wenden.
Weblink Europainstitut


Teilnahmevoraussetzungen This seminar is open to students with and without a legal background. All students are expected to conduct legal research, which includes the study of legal norms, case law and literature.
Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung Registration in MONA
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Einsatz digitaler Medien Online-Angebot obligatorisch


Intervall Wochentag Zeit Raum

Keine Einzeltermine verfügbar, bitte informieren Sie sich direkt bei den Dozierenden.

Module Modul: Areas: Europa Global (Master Studiengang: Europäische Geschichte in globaler Perspektive )
Modul: Areas: transnational - global (Master Studiengang: Europäische Geschichte (Studienbeginn vor 01.08.2018))
Modul: Europäisierung und Globalisierung (Masterstudium: European Global Studies)
Modul: Politik, Entwicklung und soziale Ungleichheit (Bachelor Studienfach: Soziologie)
Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Global Ageing and Health (Masterstudium: European Global Studies)
Prüfung Lehrveranst.-begleitend
Hinweise zur Prüfung Written paper (including submission of outline, draft and final paper), small reading exercises, presentation and participation in class.
An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: nicht erforderlich
Wiederholungsprüfung keine Wiederholungsprüfung
Skala 1-6 0,5
Belegen bei Nichtbestehen beliebig wiederholbar
Zuständige Fakultät Universität Basel
Anbietende Organisationseinheit Europainstitut

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