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53524-01 - Vorlesung: Climate Change and Religion (3 KP)

Semester Frühjahrsemester 2021
Angebotsmuster unregelmässig
Dozierende Julia Blanc (julia.blanc@unibas.ch)
Fabian Huber (fabian.huber@unibas.ch)
Jens Köhrsen (jens.koehrsen@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn)
Inhalt In what way does religion have an impact on climate change? What role can religious groups and leaders play for mitigating climate change? What are the spiritual dimensions of environmental groups that engage against climate change (e.g. Extinction Rebellion)?
The lecture addresses these and additional questions. It provides a general overview about the relationship between climate change and religion and consists of four big sections:
In a first step, it introduces students into the topic by describing in what way religion can become relevant for climate change. Here, we will discuss how religions with their specific beliefs have contributed to the environmental crisis. At the same time, we will explore how religions increasingly address environmental challenges and through which channels they can substantially support (or block) efforts to reduce CO2 emissions in our societies.
In a second step, the lecture examines how particular faith traditions address climate change. It presents specific solutions offered by Christian and Muslim communities as well as by (eco) spiritual movements. At the same time, it will show in what way these faiths communities can also block the implementation of solutions for climate change.
In a third step, the lecture addresses current empirical research in this field. Here, we will explore how religions engage at the local, national, and international level for climate change mitigation.
Finally, in the last and forth step, the lecture considers future avenues of research. Here, we meet with religious environmentalists that struggle within their faith traditions for more awareness about climate change. We will discuss their strategies and the challenges that they face. Moreover, this section includes also two meetings where student groups develop ideas for future research in the field. During the last meeting, they will present their ideas in a short presentation.
This is the preliminary structure of the lecture:

In what way are religions relevant for climate change? (Introduction)
04.03.2021 Introductory Session (Prof. Dr. Jens Koehrsen)
11.03.2021 Climate Change and the Greening of Religions (Prof. Dr. Jens Koehrsen)

How are different religions and spiritualties relating to climate change?
18.03.2021 Christianity and Climate Change (Dr. Julia Blanc)
25.03.2021 Islam and Climate Change (Prof. Dr. Jens Koehrsen)
01.04.2021 Easter Break
08.04.2021 Alternative Spirituality and Climate Change (Nadine Brühwiler, Moderation: Dr. Julia Blanc)

How are religions addressing climate change at different levels and in different contexts?
15.04.2021 Climate Change and Religion in Switzerland and Germany (Fabian Huber)
22.04.2021 Religion in International Climate Negotiations (Prof. Dr. Katharina Glaab, Moderation: Prof. Dr. Jens Koehrsen)
29.04.2021 Religion and Climate Change Worldwide: Quantitative Insights (Carolin Hildenbrand, Moderation: Fabian Huber)

What problems are religious environmentalists facing and what could be potential avenues of future research?
06.05.2021 Penal Debate with Representatives from Religious Environmental Organisations: What are religious environmentalists doing in their religions and what problems do they face? (Moderation: Julia Blanc)
13.05.2021 Public Holiday (Ascension Day)
20.05.2021 Group-Session I: Future Avenues of Research (Moderation: Prof. Dr. Jens Koehrsen, Dr. Julia Blanc, Fabian Huber)
27.05.2021 Group-Session II: Future Avenues of Research (Moderation: Prof. Dr. Jens Koehrsen, Dr. Julia Blanc, Fabian Huber)
03.06.2021 Presentation of Results from Group Sessions and Final Discussion (Moderation: Prof. Dr. Jens Koehrsen)

The lectures take place via Zoom.
Zoom-Link: https://unibas.zoom.us/j/94916764044?pwd=TldNdEdWamR4azlrV0FUT1p6RlZZQT09
Lernziele Students understand in what way religions (including spirituality) are relevant for climate change. They know how religious organizations and traditions from different faith backgrounds support (or block) mitigation efforts. They can critically reflect on the potentials of religion to engage in the politics of climate change and facilitate (or block) transformation processes. Based on this knowledge, they can develop research questions in the academic field of climate change and religion and design a small research project in this field.
Literatur Barker DC and Bearce DH (2013) End-Times Theology, the Shadow of the Future, and Public Resistance to Addressing Global Climate Change. Political Research Quarterly 66(2): 267–279.
Blanc J (2017) Ökokatholizismus: Sozialethische Untersuchungen zu ausgewählten Ländern und Institutionen in Europa. Marburg: Metropolis-Verl.
Gardner GT (2003) Engaging Religion in the Quest for a Sustainable World. In: Worldwatch Institute (ed.) State of the world, 2003: A Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, pp. 152–175.
Glaab, K. (2017). A Climate for Justice? Faith-based Advocacy on Climate Change at the United Nations. Globalizations, 14(7), 1110–1124.
Gottlieb RS (2007) Religious Environmentalism: What it is, Where it's Heading and Why We Should be Going in the Same Direction. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture 1(1).
Haluza-DeLay, R. (2014). Religion and climate change: Varieties in viewpoints and practices. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 5(2), 261–279.
Jenkins, W., Berry, E., & Kreider, L. B. (2018). Religion and climate change. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 43, 85–108.
Koehrsen, J., Huber, F., & Blanc, J. (2020). Religious organisations in Germany’s and Switzerland’s sustainability transitions: diverging logics on national and local fields. In European Group of Organizational Studies, 36th egos Colloquium 2020.
Koehrsen J (2015) Does religion promote environmental sustainability? - Exploring the role of religion in local energy transitions. Social Compass 62(3): 296–310.
Koehrsen J (2018) Religious Agency in Sustainability Transitions: Between Experimentation, Upscaling, and Regime Support. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 27: 4–15.
Koehrsen, J. (2021). Islam and Climate Change: Religion, Muslim Organizations and Religious Leaders influencing Perceptions and Activism on Global Warming. WIREs Climate Change.
Taylor B (2008) From the Ground Up: Dark Green Religion and the Environmental Future. In: Swearer DK (ed.) Ecology and the Environment: Perspectives from the Humanities: Harvard University Press, pp. 89–107.
Taylor B (2010) Dark green religion: nature spirituality and the planetary future. Univ of California Press.
Taylor B, van Wieren G and Zaleha BD (2016) Lynn White Jr. and the greening-of-religion hypothesis. Conservation Biology 30(5): 1000–1009.
Tucker ME (2006) Religion and Ecology: Survey of the field. In: Gottlieb RS (ed.) The Oxford handbook of religion and ecology: Oxford University Press, pp. 398–418.
Wardekker JA, Petersen AC and van der Sluijs, Jeroen P. (2009) Ethics and public perception of climate change: Exploring the Christian voices in the US public debate. Global Environmental Change 19(4): 512–521.
White L (1966) The historical roots of our ecologic crisis. Science 155(3767): 1203–1207.
Bemerkungen The lectures take place via Zoom.
Zoom-Link: https://unibas.zoom.us/j/94916764044?pwd=TldNdEdWamR4azlrV0FUT1p6RlZZQT09

Weblink Weblink zur Veranstaltung auf OLAT


Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung Please inscribe yourself via MOnA and OLAT (https://lms.uzh.ch/url/RepositoryEntry/16940631407)

The lectures take place via Zoom.
Zoom-Link: https://unibas.zoom.us/j/94916764044?pwd=TldNdEdWamR4azlrV0FUT1p6RlZZQT09
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Einsatz digitaler Medien Online-Veranstaltung
HörerInnen willkommen


Intervall Wochentag Zeit Raum
wöchentlich Donnerstag 16.15-18.00 - Online Präsenz -
Bemerkungen Hybrid, dh. an folgenden Daten in Präsenz (Ort siehe unter Termine und Räume): 27. Mai, 3. Juni 2021; restliche Daten: Online-Präsenz


Datum Zeit Raum
Donnerstag 04.03.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr - Online Präsenz -, Zoom
Donnerstag 11.03.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr - Online Präsenz -, Zoom
Donnerstag 18.03.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr - Online Präsenz -, Zoom
Donnerstag 25.03.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr - Online Präsenz -, Zoom
Donnerstag 01.04.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr Ostern
Donnerstag 08.04.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr - Online Präsenz -, Zoom
Donnerstag 15.04.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr - Online Präsenz -, Zoom
Donnerstag 22.04.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr - Online Präsenz -, Zoom
Donnerstag 29.04.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr - Online Präsenz -, Zoom
Donnerstag 06.05.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr - Online Präsenz -, Zoom
Donnerstag 13.05.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr Auffahrt
Donnerstag 20.05.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr - Online Präsenz -, Zoom
Donnerstag 27.05.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr - Online Präsenz -, Zoom
Donnerstag 03.06.2021 16.15-18.00 Uhr - Online Präsenz -, Zoom
Module Aufbaumodul (Teil D) (Transfakultäre Querschnittsprogramme im freien Kreditpunkte-Bereich)
Interner Wahlbereich Theologie: Empfehlungen (Bachelorstudium: Theologie)
Interner Wahlbereich Theologie: Empfehlungen (Masterstudium: Theologie (Studienbeginn vor 01.08.2018))
Interner Wahlbereich Theologie: Empfehlungen (Masterstudium: Theologie)
Modul: Erweiterung Religionswissenschaft (Bachelor Studienfach: Religionswissenschaft)
Modul: Fachkompetenz Globaler Wandel (Master Studienfach: Geographie)
Modul: Religion, Gesellschaft, Staat (Masterstudium: Interreligious Studies)
Modul: Religion, Ökonomie und Recht (Master Studienfach: Religionswissenschaft)
Modul: Theologie im Kontext des Weltchristentums (Masterstudium: Theologie)
Modul: Ungleichheit, Konflikt, Kultur (Master Studienfach: Soziologie)
Modul: Wirtschaft und Religion (Masterstudium: Religion - Wirtschaft - Politik)
Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit (Masterstudium: European Global Studies)
Wahlbereich Master Interreligious Studies: Empfehlungen (Masterstudium: Interreligious Studies)
Prüfung Leistungsnachweis
Hinweise zur Prüfung Students actively participate in the lectures, jointly prepare a short presentation in small groups for the last meeting and write a brief essay on this presentation that that they submit by 14th June 2021. Students can write the essay in English or German.
An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: Dozierende
Wiederholungsprüfung eine Wiederholung, bester Versuch zählt
Skala Pass / Fail
Belegen bei Nichtbestehen beliebig wiederholbar
Zuständige Fakultät Theologische Fakultät, studiendekanat-theol@unibas.ch
Anbietende Organisationseinheit Zentr. Religion, Wirtschaft und Politik

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