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70778-01 - Exkursion: Thessaloniki/Saloniki/Selanik. Northern Greece between Empire and Nation-States (3 KP)

Semester Frühjahrsemester 2024
Angebotsmuster einmalig
Dozierende Olena Palko (olena.palko@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn)
Inhalt Participation in the seminar “After Empires. Imperial legacies in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe” is obligatory to take part in the excursion!

This excursion will help students deepen their knowledge and understanding of the historical events, obtained as part of the seminar “After Empires. Imperial legacies in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe”. In Thessaloniki and Thrace, we will search for historical traces of the former governments ruling this region, and try to deconstruct the strategies of Greece as a nation-state to overcome those remnants of the imperial past. Thessaloniki once was the second largest city of the Byzantine Empire, the birthplace of the founding father of the Republic of Turkey Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and home to a major Jewish community. What is Thessaloniki's identity today? How does the city combine its Byzantine, Muslim, Jewish and Greek faces? What remains from its once vibrant cosmopolitan identity? In particular, we will examine the aftermath of the Greek-Turkish forced population exchange in 1923, and its imprint on the identity of the city and its surroundings.

The excursion will take place on 4-13 June, 2024.

The number of participants is limited, and in the event of high demand, participation may be subject to the submission of a motivation letter. In case of over-subscription, advanced BA and MA students in History, Eastern and Southeastern European Studies, Eastern and Southeastern European Cultures will be admitted first.
Literatur Bruce Clark, Twice a Stranger: The Mass Expulsions that Forged Modern Greece and Turkey (Harvard University Press, 2009).

Asli Iğsiz, Humanism in Ruins. Entangled Legacies of the Greek-Turkish Population Exchange (Stanford University Press, 2018)
Bemerkungen The excursion is organized by Prof. Dr. Olena Palko and Julia Elena Grieder and financially supported within the cooperation of the European University Alliances Eucor-EPICUR


Teilnahmevoraussetzungen Participation in the seminar “After Empires. Imperial legacies in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe” is obligatory to take part in the excursion.

- Active collaboration and group work with the students from the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki.
- Scholarly contribution to the excursion.
- Modest financial contribution is expected from all participants.

The number of participants is limited, and in the event of high demand, participation may be subject to the submission of a motivation letter. In case of over-subscription, students in History, Eastern European Studies, Eastern European Cultures, and Slavic Studies will be admitted first.
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Einsatz digitaler Medien kein spezifischer Einsatz


Intervall Wochentag Zeit Raum

Keine Einzeltermine verfügbar, bitte informieren Sie sich direkt bei den Dozierenden.

Module Modul: Archive / Medien / Theorien (Bachelor Studiengang: Osteuropa-Studien)
Modul: Areas: Osteuropa (Master Studiengang: Europäische Geschichte in globaler Perspektive )
Modul: Europäisierung und Globalisierung (Masterstudium: European Global Studies)
Modul: Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas (Master Studienfach: Osteuropäische Geschichte)
Modul: Geschichte Russlands und der Sowjetunion (Master Studienfach: Osteuropäische Geschichte)
Modul: Geschichte Südosteuropas (Master Studienfach: Osteuropäische Geschichte)
Wahlbereich Bachelor Geschichte: Empfehlungen (Bachelor Studienfach: Geschichte)
Wahlbereich Master Geschichte: Empfehlungen (Master Studienfach: Geschichte)
Prüfung Lehrveranst.-begleitend
An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: nicht erforderlich
Wiederholungsprüfung keine Wiederholungsprüfung
Skala Pass / Fail
Belegen bei Nichtbestehen nicht wiederholbar
Zuständige Fakultät Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät, studadmin-philhist@unibas.ch
Anbietende Organisationseinheit Departement Geschichte

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