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49077-01 - Vorlesung mit Übungen: Global Change Resources 3 KP

Semester Herbstsemester 2024
Angebotsmuster Jedes Herbstsemester
Dozierende Miriam Simone Andres (miriamsimone.andres@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn)
Inhalt From sand to solar, from molybdenum to mobile phones, from cobalt to computers: mineral resources form the basis of practically every aspect of our modern society. Never before in the history of our global community have we extracted, produced and consumed more of these valuable resources.

This course aims to:
- identify key mineral and fossil resources;
- understand their distribution, extraction and transport pathways;
- highlight environmental risks, legal frameworks and societal impacts;
- discuss alternative concepts, learn about the circular economy and the 3R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle).

With a mixture of lectures, case studies, exercises and excursions, you will learn about the complexity of extracting rare earth minerals, which are critical for our electronic and digital economy. Because Switzerland has no oil and gas resources, but plenty of salt, sand and silt, these valuable resources will be emphasized in a local context. Furthermore, we will investigate the history of how the extraction of mineral resources has evolved over the last hundred years. We will explore the question of ‘Who owns the mineral resources under your house? And the mineral resources on the seabed.’ We will also track the carbon footprint of the cement industry and how to eliminate the CO2 by-product of the production process. Switzerland is a champion in the waste management department and is also advanced in the recycling of mineral resources and urban mining. A firsthand view of such a recycling plant will be integrated into the course as a scheduled excursion.
Lernziele - Knowledge of key mineral and fossil resources, their occurrence and distribution.
- Understanding of extraction and transport pathways of key mineral and fossil resources.
- Basis understanding of environmental risks, legal frameworks and societal impacts.
- Basic understanding of CO2 in the production of i.e. cement and complexity of carbon capture and storage.
- Knowledge of processes and challenges in waste management and urban mining.
Literatur Tba in class.
Bemerkungen Note: Special course inscription and entry requirements!

Mandatory for students of the MSD who have chosen the focus area of natural sciences. No credit points transfer possible to any different module than published.
Students who have chosen the focus area of social sciences or economics transfer the credit points to the 'FASR' module (learning agreement, template available on the website MSD/downloads MSD 2017).

This lecture is offered by the MSD. Dr. Miriam Andres holds a teaching assignment.


Teilnahmebedingungen Special course application required for ALL (for details see 'course application' or 'Anmeldung').

Limited number of participants (25). Students of the MSD (incl. preparation semester) have a first priority; those of the mentioned fields of study (see list of modules) have a second priority.

If you study something different you must do at least a master's degree within the Departement of Enviromental Sciences (Faculty of Sciences) and may attend the course in case of vacancies (third priority). No other students admitted.

Students of the MSD who have chosen the focus area in social sciences or in economics must have completed the 'Complementary Knowledge in Natural Sciences' module (or at least earned 8 CP out of 12 CP).

Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung Please note entry requirements. For details see section "admission requirements".

Mandatory application for ALL! Link open from 14. August 24/noon: https://adam.unibas.ch/goto_adam_crs_544052.html
Login and application only possible with open link. Link guides to the ADAM website, you still must do the login.

First emails with confirmation of participation will be sent out in week 36.
In case of vacancies the online application link remains open until 26. September 24/noon.

Course enrollment on MOnA should be completed by the beginning of the teaching period (withdrawal possible until Monday of teaching week five).
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Einsatz digitaler Medien kein spezifischer Einsatz


Intervall Wochentag Zeit Raum
wöchentlich Montag 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Bemerkungen Final written examination: 16. December 24: during usual lecture time.
Repeat examination: in January 25, details tba.
For details regarding room see online course directory/section "room and dates".


Datum Zeit Raum
Montag 16.09.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 23.09.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 30.09.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 07.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 14.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 21.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 28.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 04.11.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 11.11.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 18.11.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 25.11.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 02.12.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 09.12.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Montag 16.12.2024 10.15-12.00 Uhr Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Module Modul: Kernbereich Naturwissenschaften (Masterstudium: Sustainable Development)
Modul: Sustainable Resource and Soil Management (Masterstudium: Geowissenschaften)
Leistungsüberprüfung Leistungsnachweis
Hinweise zur Leistungsüberprüfung Compulsory attendance in presence, required readings, presentation, etc. Details according to information of M. Andres.

Final written examination (details according to information of M. Andres): 16. December, during usual lecture time.
Repeat examination (details according to information of M. Andres): tba: during ususal lecture time.
For details regarding room see section "dates and rooms".
An-/Abmeldung zur Leistungsüberprüfung Anm.: Belegen Lehrveranstaltung; Abm.: stornieren
Wiederholungsprüfung eine Wiederholung, bester Versuch zählt
Skala 1-6 0,1
Wiederholtes Belegen beliebig wiederholbar
Zuständige Fakultät Universität Basel
Anbietende Organisationseinheit Departement Umweltwissenschaften
