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32029-01 - Vorlesung: Interpreting African religio-scapes (2 KP)

Semester Herbstsemester 2012
Angebotsmuster einmalig
Dozierende Andreas Heuser (andreas.heuser@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn)
Inhalt This lecture series gathers Basel based scholars in African religion and invited guest lecturers from Africa to shed light on a wide range of religious expressions in Africa. A focus is set on locating religio-scapes, a term used to feature the fluidity and passages of religion in Africa from an interdisciplinary perspective. The lectures cover processes of religious hybridity between the imaginative world of neo-traditionalist healers and self-styled charismatic "heroes" to influence public discourses; they are interested in the historic mapping of religious identities in West Africa, or they may highlight the religious impact on current state-building processes in East and Southern Africa. The construction of religious belonging or the formations of interreligious dialogue are being explored in some other contributions to this lecture series. A focus is set in this respect on the spectrum of African Judaism and on Christian-Muslim dialogue, so much endangered in countries like Nigeria, Kenya, or South-Sudan. The acute context of political conflict and civil war also gives space to ruptures in the cultural memory of inter-religious exchange, exemplified from first-hand experiences from Mali. The lecture series ends with an insight view on African migrant churches in Basel and Switzerland.

4. Oktober 2012: Andreas Heuser (Aussereuropäisches Christentum/Basel): Titanic Showdown – the Tale of a Power Contest between a “Priest-Healer” and a “Miracle Healer” (Ghana).
11. Oktober: Johnson Mbillah (General Secretary PROCMURA/Nairobi): The Current State of Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa.
25. Oktober: Guy Thomas (Mission21/Basel): Faiths in Maps (historical geography of religions: West Africa).
8. November: Benedikt Schubert (Ökumene- und Missionswissenschaft/Basel): Angola and Mozambique - Comparing the Action of Churches in War and Peace.
15. November: Ismail Diadié Haidara (Poet, Historiker/Timbuktu): Religious Intolerance as a threat to Cultural Memory. Jewish Pasts and Muslim Presents in Timbuktu, Mali.
22. November: Armin Zimmermann (Mission21/Basel): Religion/Church and the Birth of a New Nation (South-Sudan).
6. Dezember: Daniel Lis (Zentrum Jüdische Studien/Basel): Jews and Judaism in Black Africa: History and Context (Nigeria / Ethiopia).
20. Dezember: Daniel Frei (Pfarramt für Weltweite Kirche BL/BS): Church Networks of African Migrants in Basel.
Lernziele building-up a methodological sensitivity in the understanding of diverse religious fields in Africa; gathering basic knowledge about different religions in Africa and their interconnectedness; debating themes of religion in Africa in an interdisciplinary approach
Literatur will be announced by individual scholars


Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung online
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Einsatz digitaler Medien kein spezifischer Einsatz
HörerInnen willkommen


Intervall Wochentag Zeit Raum

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Module Modul Culture and Society (Master Studiengang: African Studies)
Modul Reflexion interkultureller Gegenwartsfragen in der Theologie (ÖM 2) (Master Studienfach: Theologie)
Modul Reflexion interkultureller Gegenwartsfragen in der Theologie (ÖM 2) (Master Theologie)
Prüfung Leistungsnachweis
Hinweise zur Prüfung written examination
An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: Dozierende
Wiederholungsprüfung eine Wiederholung, bester Versuch zählt
Skala Pass / Fail
Belegen bei Nichtbestehen nicht wiederholbar
Zuständige Fakultät Theologische Fakultät, studiendekanat-theol@unibas.ch
Anbietende Organisationseinheit Departement Theologie

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