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Semester | Frühjahrsemester 2016 |
Angebotsmuster | einmalig |
Dozierende | Till Förster (till.foerster@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn) |
Inhalt | Research on violent conflicts has primarily focused on causes and driving forces, often in terms of means–end thinking. It ignored newer trends in social theory that adopted micro-perspectives to analyse how interactions at the local level informed and advanced the formation and eventually the avoidance of larger violent conflicts. Conventional peace and conflict studies rarely examine and understand the social spaces that maintain a peaceful social order and consensus within areas of generalised violence. This seminar reverses conventional perspectives. It does not aim at explaining conflict and violence; the seminar rather aims at understanding why certain spaces remained or became peaceful in violent contexts and refers to these spaces as pockets of peace. The students are invited to examine social agency and practice in the formation and persistence of pockets of peace in areas of generalised violence, for instance West Africa’s Conflict Zone or the Great Lakes Region. Central questions are: Under what conditions were violent conflicts avoided? Why did some spaces in areas of generalised violence remain peaceful? What do their social and political regimes look like? What makes them attractive? What can we learn from such peaceful spaces with regard to social and political theory? The seminar is divided into three parts: • First, it provides a brief overview on the concepts of peace and violence in anthropology and the social sciences more generally. • Second, it introduces into the history of non-violent spaces in violent areas, in particular in Africa. • Third, it discusses selected publications on non-violence and the persistence of peaceful spaces in violent settings. |
Literatur | Anderson, Mary / Wallace, Marshall. 2012. Opting Out of War. Boulder. Collins, Randall. 2008. Violence. Princeton. Dietrich, Wolfgang. 2012. Interpretations of Peace in History and Culture. London. Hancock, Landon / Mitchell, Christopher (eds.). 2007. Zones of Peace. Bloomfield. Mac Ginty, Roger / Richmond, Oliver. 2013. The Local Turn in Peace Building. Third World Quarterly 34.5: 763–783 Mac Ginty, Roger. 2014. Everyday Peace: Bottom-up and local agency in conflict-affected societies. Security Dialogue 45.6: 548–564 Richmond, Oliver / Mitchell, Audra (eds.). 2011. Hybrid Forms of Peace. Basingstoke. |
Weblink | https://ethnologie.unibas.ch/studies/cou |
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen | Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 30 Personen beschränkt. Die Plätze werden nach Anmeldedatum und Studienfachzugehörigkeit vergeben. Vorrang haben die Studierenden der unter "Module" aufgelisteten Studienfächer/-gänge. |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch |
Einsatz digitaler Medien | kein spezifischer Einsatz |
Intervall | Wochentag | Zeit | Raum |
Keine Einzeltermine verfügbar, bitte informieren Sie sich direkt bei den Dozierenden.
Module |
Modul Culture and Society (Master Studiengang: African Studies (Studienbeginn vor 01.08.2013)) Modul Fields: Governance and Politics (Master Studiengang: African Studies) Modul Interdisciplinary and Applied African Studies (Master Studiengang: African Studies) Modul Internationales Zusatzwissen (Master European Studies (Studienbeginn vor 01.02.2015)) Modul Research Skills in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Master Studienfach: Anthropology) Modul Sachthemen der Ethnologie (Master Studienfach: Ethnologie (Studienbeginn vor 01.08.2013)) Modul Social Anthropology (Master Studiengang: African Studies (Studienbeginn vor 01.08.2013)) Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (Master European Global Studies) |
Prüfung | Lehrveranst.-begleitend |
Hinweise zur Prüfung | The seminar works on two levels: - The first part of the seminar consists of short presentations of 15 to 20 min. each. They are suitable for advanced MA students and PhD students in their first year. The presenters should prepare a slide with the definition of the respective term. - The second part of the seminar is related to texts that are accessible on the seminar’s workspace on Adam, the online resources system of the university. The presentations of this part of the seminar should be based on these texts accessible to all students. The presentations should be 25 to 30 min. long, and they should be accompanied by a short hand-out of not more than one page that outlines the main arguments of the texts. - The third part of the seminar is addressing seminal publications in the field. The stu-dents are expected to start with the excerpts accessible on Adam, but will need to read more and to search themselves for further publications, e.g. reviews, which they will also need to read in relation to the original publications. The presentations on the re-spective publications may take 40 to 45 minutes and should be accompanied by a two-page hand-out, which should also contain basic data on the respective author. The hand-outs for this part of the seminar should be uploaded on Adam in the folder “handouts” one week before the presentation. All students who want to write a seminar paper should do a presentation of about 50 to 60min., followed by a discussion of 30 to 45min. It is expected that the presenters writing a seminar paper search for the relevant literature and develop a presentation that gives the other students an overview on that particular subject. Papers should be 20 to 25 pages long (12pt, 1.5 line spacing or ca 8000 words). Registration for papers is open until April 30, 2016. They are due on June 30 for those who will need the credits this semester. All others may submit their papers until the beginning of the autumn term 2016, i.e. by September 15, 2016. All papers should be submitted as word- or pdf-files via e-mail to till.foerster@unibas.ch. |
An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung | Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: nicht erforderlich |
Wiederholungsprüfung | keine Wiederholungsprüfung |
Skala | Pass / Fail |
Belegen bei Nichtbestehen | nicht wiederholbar |
Zuständige Fakultät | Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät, studadmin-philhist@unibas.ch |
Anbietende Organisationseinheit | Fachbereich Ethnologie |