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Semester | Frühjahrsemester 2020 |
Angebotsmuster | Jedes Frühjahrsem. |
Dozierende | Paul Burger (paul.burger@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn) |
Inhalt | Sustainable Development has become more and more influential since the famous Brundtland-report in shaping political, economic or individual decisions. However, it has also become a buzzword with many different meanings serving many different interests. Moreover, there are quite controversial theoretical approaches for conceptualizing sustainable development across different disciplines. Against this backdrop, this lecture provides a social science oriented basis for - understanding sustainable development as a new societal role model for human development; - conceptualizing sustainable development based on justice. |
Lernziele | The students - understand 'sustainable development' as a new alternative role model within the global societal development discourse; - know important theoretical social sciences based approaches to analyze sustainability issues and to conceptualize the role model. |
Literatur | Literature tba during lecture. |
Bemerkungen | MSD 2017 Mandatory lecture for all students. A different choice is only allowed for students, who have a) attended and accredited the same class for the former degree; b) attended and accredited a comparable class for the former degree. If a), or b) applies, you have to register for a different course according to prior agreement with Prof. Dr. P. Burger. MSD 2010 Pflichtveranstaltung für alle Studierenden, Ausnahmen gemäss Angaben im mittelfristigen Lehrplan MSD 2010/FS 19 This lecture is offered by MSD. Prof. Dr. Paul Burger is a member of the Teaching Committee MSD and head of the Sustainability Research Group, Dep. of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Basel |
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen | Only master's students of social sciences and MSD (incl. preparation semester and IJDSD) accepted. |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch |
Einsatz digitaler Medien | Online-Veranstaltung |
Intervall | Wochentag | Zeit | Raum |
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Module |
Modul Aufbaubereich gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Fragen von Nachhaltigkeit (Masterstudium: Sustainable Development (Studienbeginn vor 01.08.2017)) Modul Kernbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (Masterstudium: Sustainable Development (Studienbeginn vor 01.08.2017)) Modul: Kernbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften (Masterstudium: Sustainable Development) Modul: Komplementärer Basisbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften (Masterstudium: Sustainable Development) Modul: Resources and Sustainability (Master Studiengang: Changing Societies: Migration – Conflicts – Resources ) Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit (Masterstudium: European Global Studies) |
Prüfung | Leistungsnachweis |
Hinweise zur Prüfung | Regular attendance and active participation. Final assessment: written examination (online; according to the information of the lecturer), on 27.05.20 from 8.10 to 10h |
An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung | Anm.: Belegen Lehrveranstaltung; Abm.: stornieren |
Wiederholungsprüfung | eine Wiederholung, bester Versuch zählt |
Skala | 1-6 0,1 |
Belegen bei Nichtbestehen | beliebig wiederholbar |
Zuständige Fakultät | Universität Basel |
Anbietende Organisationseinheit | Fachbereich Nachhaltigkeitsforschung |