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57146-01 - Seminar: Language Testing and Assessment in English: Theory and Methods (3 KP)

Semester Frühjahrsemester 2020
Angebotsmuster unregelmässig
Dozierende Zeynep Köylü (zeynep.koylu@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn)
Inhalt This seminar aims to equip students with the tools to grasp a basic understanding of the key principles and practices in second/additional language (L2) testing and assessment with a focus on English. Taking a theoretical stance, this seminar also aims to discuss current themes and issues regarding various measures, procedures, and frameworks employed to document second language aptitude, proficiency, performance, and development. With an emphasis on differentiated constructs of spoken and written performance, further insights will be provided into disputatious areas, such as issues of complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) measures of L2 performance, drawing on the relevant findings of second language acquisition (SLA) research. Students will also be given a chance to analyze L2 performance data to determine measures of CAF as part of this seminar.
Lernziele At the end of this seminar, students will be able to (1) know the general theoretical scope of L2 testing and assessment, (2) discuss relevant key concepts, (3) be familiar with the relevant research strand in SLA, (4) describe the differences between testing for receptive and productive skills, and (5) comparatively analyze L2 performance data.
Literatur Texts will be made available on ADAM.
Weblink ADAM


Teilnahmevoraussetzungen Students must have completed all three introductory modules including the proseminar papers.
Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung In order to ensure a good learning environment, we aim at no more than 20 students per class. We ask you to sign up for classes via the following doodle link: https://doodle.com/poll/egwbqyh59i8i4xk7

Please only register for a maximum of TWO seminars and only for more than one if you really intend to take the course. Should you have not made it into one of the courses and you are only able to register for the waiting lists, we guarantee that we will take you in the course with the least student numbers.

Registration will open on January 1, 2020, 8am (CET) and close on February 10, 2020, 8pm (CET) in order to finalize student distribution in the week before term starts.
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Einsatz digitaler Medien Online-Angebot obligatorisch


Intervall Wochentag Zeit Raum

Keine Einzeltermine verfügbar, bitte informieren Sie sich direkt bei den Dozierenden.

Module Modul: Advanced English Linguistics (Bachelor Studienfach: Englisch)
Modul: English Linguistics (Master Studienfach: Englisch)
Modul: Forschungspraxis und Vertiefung (Master Studiengang: Sprache und Kommunikation)
Modul: Sprache als Prozess (Master Studiengang: Sprache und Kommunikation)
Prüfung Lehrveranst.-begleitend
Hinweise zur Prüfung - Attendance and active participation
- Group Presentation
- Data analysis assignment
An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: nicht erforderlich
Wiederholungsprüfung keine Wiederholungsprüfung
Skala Pass / Fail
Belegen bei Nichtbestehen beliebig wiederholbar
Zuständige Fakultät Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät, studadmin-philhist@unibas.ch
Anbietende Organisationseinheit Fachbereich Englische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft

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