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Semester | Frühjahrsemester 2021 |
Angebotsmuster | unregelmässig |
Dozierende | Philippe Forêt (philippe.foret@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn) |
Inhalt | INSTRUCTOR Philippe Forêt is professor of environmental humanities, dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Brac University, and co-director of a research group on the environment and society at the University of Basel. The Rachel Carson Center in Munich, the Institute of Advanced Studies of Nantes, and the Swedish Collegium in Uppsala have elected him Fellow. His PhD is from the Division of the Social Sciences of the University of Chicago, and his Certificate of Advanced Studies in higher education from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne. For more information: https://philippeforet.academia.edu/ DESCRIPTION The Anthropocene defines a contested geologic time period (ca. 1600-today) during which human activities have altered the natural cycles of geologic, atmospheric, maritime, biospheric, and other earth systems. An introduction to Anthropocene studies and a better understanding of the contributions of the environmental humanities to the research conducted on the Anthropocene are our two main objectives. We will: 1. Survey the environmental transition from the Holocene to the Anthropocene. The Rachel Carson Center in Munich will provide case studies. 2. Study dramatic physical, political and cultural transformations in our environment, from pre-modern to postmodern cultures. Asia will provide case studies. 3. Review the entanglement of research reports, public discourses, scientific concepts, conferences, exhibitions, techniques, and perspectives that have depicted the Anthropocene. Covid-19 will provide our best case-study. 4. Discuss the emergence of the Swiss school of the environmental humanities and the work now done in Switzerland in collaboration with international organizations. UNESCO MOST will provide case studies. SCHEDULE Twelve Topics on the Anthropocene Week 1 March 5 1. From Brown to Green to Brown to Green - Welcome - Introduction to the Anthropocene - Introduction to the Environmental Humanities - Self-introductions by instructor and students - Seminar requirements Week 2 March 12 2. The Production of the Anthropocene Week 3 March 19 3. Saving Nature Beyond the Anthropocene Week 4 March 26 4. Are We the Anthropocene? Week 5 April 2 NO CLASS Easter Break Week 6 April 9 5. The Outer Boundaries of the Anthropocene Assignment I deadline Week 7 April 16 6. The Inner Core of the Anthropocene Week 8 April 23 7. Searching the Anthropocene Week 9 April 30 8. Finding the Anthropocene Week 10 May 7 9. Understanding the Anthropocene Week 11 May 14 10. Regime Shift Within the Anthropocene Week 12 May 21 11. Deep Adaptation to Leave the Anthropocene Week 13 May 28 12. Scenarios for a Desirable Future Assignment II deadline Week 14 June 4 13. Conclusion and feedback |
Lernziele | OBJECTIVES 1. This is a writing seminar. You will learn how to research, write, format, and submit an article to an academic journal. 2. You will be introduced to the methods specific to the environmental humanities, and you will participate in the current debate on the Anthropocene. 3. You will learn how the environmental humanities have questioned and contextualized primary sources of information on the Anthropocene. 4. You will also learn how to locate and exploit relevant information on topics such as the city, colonialism, development, discourse, gender, governance, ideology, landscape, methodology, migration, modernity, nature, public policy, representation, science, and violence. SOURCES Maps, comics, museum catalogues, art fairs, the social media, video clips, etc. will provide you with information on the approaches developed by the environmental humanities to the transformation, accidents, crises, collapse, extinction, recovery, resilience, unsustainability, and innovation that together have characterized the Anthropocene. |
Literatur | ELECTRONIC REFERENCES ER1: Entitle, European Union: http://www.politicalecology.eu/ ER2: ENS Lyon, France: https://ecoleanthropocene.universite-lyon.fr/ ER3: RCC, Germany: https://www.carsoncenter.uni-muenchen.de/ ER4: Anthropocene, International: http://www.anthropocenemagazine.org/ ER5: BRIDGES, International: https://bifrostonline.org/bridges-building-resilience-in-defense-of-global-environments-societies/ ER6: EHL, Sweden: https://www.kth.se/en/abe/inst/philhist/historia/ehl ER7: PAGES, Switzerland: http://pastglobalchanges.org/ ER8: SAGUF, Switzerland: https://naturalsciences.ch/organisations/saguf ER9: IPCC, United Nations: https://www.ipcc.ch/ ER10: UNESCO MOST, United Nations: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/themes/most-programme/ BACKGROUND LIBRARY L1. Gregg Mitman, Marco Armiero, and Robert S. Emmett. Future Remains. A Cabinet of Curiosities for the Anthropocene. The University of Chicago Press, 2017: https://www.press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/F/bo27213130.html L2. Naomi Oreskes. Why Trust Science? Princeton University Press, 2019: https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691179001/why-trust-science L3. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, and the Deutsches Museum, Welcome to the Anthropocene: The Earth in Our Hands, 2014-16: http://www.environmentandsociety.org/exhibitions/welcome-anthropocene L4. Paul Warde, Robin Libby, and Sverker Sörlin. The Environment: A History of the Idea. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018: https://jhupbooks.press.jhu.edu/title/environment L5. Sam White, Christian Pfister, and Franz Mauelshagen. The Palgrave Handbook of Climate History. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018 : https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9781137430199 |
Bemerkungen | Office hours: Immediately after class, or by appointment on Skype or Zoom Class readings: Available on Adam Prior preparation: Exploration of the electronic resources of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society: https://www.carsoncenter.uni-muenchen.de/index.html |
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen | REQUIREMENTS Your active participation is required since this is a research-intensive class with a strong writing component. The final assignment consists in an article ready to be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal. To encourage interactions with the instructor and facilitate personal supervision, the number of participants in this seminar must be kept below 14. Please contact your instructor before enrolling: philippe.foret@unibas.ch . The admission requirements are the following: 1. Your ability to carry a heavy research, reading, and writing load. 2. Your ability to work in small teams that value autonomy, diversity, and inclusion. 3. A very good command of English in addition to a second international language. 4. Your interdisciplinary training, bridging the humanities and the natural sciences. |
Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung | In diesem Seminar lernen die Studierenden, einen wissenschaftlichen Artikel zu schreiben, zu veröffentlichen und zu bewerten. Dies bedeutet intensive Arbeit und persönliche Aufsicht. Deshalb ist die Anzahl der TeilnehmerInnen auf 14 begrenzt. |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch |
Einsatz digitaler Medien | kein spezifischer Einsatz |
Intervall | Wochentag | Zeit | Raum |
wöchentlich | Freitag | 13.15-15.00 | - Online Präsenz - |
Datum | Zeit | Raum |
Freitag 05.03.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | - Online Präsenz -, -- |
Freitag 12.03.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | - Online Präsenz -, -- |
Freitag 19.03.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | - Online Präsenz -, -- |
Freitag 26.03.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | - Online Präsenz -, -- |
Freitag 02.04.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | Ostern |
Freitag 09.04.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | - Online Präsenz -, -- |
Freitag 16.04.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | - Online Präsenz -, -- |
Freitag 23.04.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | - Online Präsenz -, -- |
Freitag 30.04.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | - Online Präsenz -, -- |
Freitag 07.05.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | - Online Präsenz -, -- |
Freitag 14.05.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | Auffahrt |
Freitag 21.05.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | - Online Präsenz -, -- |
Freitag 28.05.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | - Online Präsenz -, -- |
Freitag 04.06.2021 | 13.15-15.00 Uhr | - Online Präsenz -, -- |
Module |
Modul: Fachkompetenz Globaler Wandel (Master Studienfach: Geographie) Modul: Fields: Environment and Development (Master Studiengang: African Studies) Modul: Fields: Knowledge Production and Transfer (Master Studiengang: African Studies) Modul: Politik, Entwicklung und soziale Ungleichheit (Bachelor Studienfach: Soziologie) Modul: Projects and Processes of Urbanization (Master Studiengang: Critical Urbanisms (Studienbeginn vor 01.08.2020)) Modul: Resources and Sustainability (Master Studiengang: Changing Societies: Migration – Conflicts – Resources ) Modul: The Urban across Disciplines (Master Studiengang: Critical Urbanisms) Modul: Ungleichheit, Konflikt, Kultur (Master Studienfach: Soziologie) Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit (Masterstudium: European Global Studies) |
Prüfung | Lehrveranst.-begleitend |
Hinweise zur Prüfung | ASSESSMENT Assignment 1 (one third of the grade): A book review in English. You assess a chapter of a volume published in the RCC Perspectives series of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at Ludwig-Maximilians University: http://www.environmentandsociety.org/perspectives To write your review, you must follow the instructions given by your instructor (see “UniBas Book Review Instructions” on Adam). You may download this chapter (also available on Adam under the title “History of the Plague”) from: http://www.environmentandsociety.org/perspectives/2012/3/article/history-plague?fbclid=IwAR3PHxs0Tkg_PufVcJ95AjM_wdKkidWJNzg5lafM_zq2RR1LeqB6IXe2I9s Assignment 2 (two thirds of the grade): A submission in English to a peer-reviewed academic journal on a topic of your choice. You must connect this topic to our class lectures and readings. Please read carefully the instructions to authors given by the editors of Arcadia: http://www.environmentandsociety.org/arcadia/contribution The second assignment is time-consuming and demands a lot of attention. Please alert your instructor ahead of time if you cannot meet the two semester deadlines and complete Assignments 1 and/or 2. Thank you! |
An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung | Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: nicht erforderlich |
Wiederholungsprüfung | keine Wiederholungsprüfung |
Skala | Pass / Fail |
Belegen bei Nichtbestehen | beliebig wiederholbar |
Zuständige Fakultät | Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät, studadmin-philhist@unibas.ch |
Anbietende Organisationseinheit | Fachbereich Soziologie |