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57353-01 - Praxisseminar: Development, Testing, and Implementation of Psychoeducational Interventions for Chronically Ill Patients and/or Their Family Caregivers (4 KP)

Semester Frühjahrsemester 2025
Angebotsmuster Jedes Frühjahrsem.
Dozierende Maria Katapodi (maria.katapodi@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn)
Inhalt Students focus on psychoeducational interventions for chronically ill patients and their family caregivers. The focus is on critical examination of the theoretical bases, designs, methods, data analyses, conclusions, and significance of multidisciplinary interventions directed at achieving positive outcomes for chronically ill individuals and their family caregivers in differing age groups and of diverse racial/ethnic heritage. Special attention is given to the familiar contexts for interventions and to the use of technology in designing, implementing, and evaluating interventions. Students synthesize related research for a chronic disease entity (e.g, cancer, dementia, etc.) hypothesize the applicability of findings to practice and health policy, and propose future directions in intervention research significant to advancing knowledge in the field. Students will focus on intervention research with a specific population.
Lernziele Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Analyze the theoretical bases of intervention strategies for chronically ill patients and their family caregivers across the lifespan.
2. Critically analyze the contributions of intervention research to eliminating disparities across groups and improve the quality of life for individuals and their families.
3. Critique research measuring the outcomes of interventions designed to assist individuals and families in achieving health promotion goals.
4. Evaluate the significance of research findings and their applications to practice and to health policy.
5. Synthesize knowledge from research findings across intervention studies.
6. Analyze special ethical issues of conducting intervention research.
7. Evaluate the appropriate use and efficacy of the use of technology in intervention research.

Students are expected to be prepared for and take an active role in the conduct of all seminars. Each student will select a specific healthcare area/intervention with a particular population as a basis for the various weekly and final course assignments. Students will need to discuss and justify the significance of this area to practice and policy. Students will analyze and critique relevant developmental, cultural, theoretical, and methodological research with particular attention to intervention development and testing in the identified population group. Students will apply the findings from the critical review to the design of a theoretically and methodologically sound intervention study. The “state of the science” in relation to relevant constructs for intervention and approaches to their manipulation will be given central attention in course activities. Implications for designing intervention research as a basis for improving health should be addressed.
Literatur Research article readings (TBD).
Bemerkungen ACHTUNG: Dieses Praxisseminar findet im FS25 voraussichtlich zum letzten Mal statt.

Maximale Anzahl Studierende: 15.

Auswahlkriterien bei Überbelegung:
1. HI-PSY-Studierende im ersten Semester, die noch kein HI-PSY-Praxisseminar absolviert haben
2. HI-PSY/KPN-Studierende ab 2. Sem., die noch kein HI-PSY/KPN-Praxisseminar absolviert haben
3. HI-PSY/KPN-Studierende ab 2. Sem., die bereits HI-PSY/KPN-Praxisseminare absolviert haben (Anzahl absolvierte PS und Losverfahren)
4. Studierende der anderer Vertiefungsrichtungen/ des anderen Majors (Anzahl absolvierte HI-PSY/KPN-Praxisseminare und Losverfahren)

Grundsätzlich gilt: Jede/r Student/in, welche/r die Prioritäten 1-2 erfüllt, hat Anrecht auf EINEN KPN/HI-PSY-Praxisseminar-Platz. Bei der Zuteilung gehen wir davon aus, dass bei Belegung eines KPN/HI-PSY-Praxisseminars die Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme vorhanden ist. Persönliche Priorisierungen können wir nicht berücksichtigen. Es empfiehlt sich deshalb, nur die KPN/HI-PSY-Praxisseminare zu belegen, an denen Sie auch wirklich teilnehmen wollen. Bitte stornieren Sie nach der Einteilung in ein KPN/HI-PSY-Praxisseminar gegebenenfalls die Belegungen von anderen KPN/HI-PSY-Praxisseminaren, in die Sie nicht aufgenommen wurden. Nach der Erst-Zuteilung durch das Studiendekanat geht die Organisation der Teilnehmendenliste (inkl. der Warteliste) in die Verantwortung der Dozierenden über.


Teilnahmevoraussetzungen Abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium.
Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung Für die Praxisseminare des Majors «Health and Interventions» (HI-PSY) (ehemals Vertiefungsrichtung Klinische Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften; KPN) gilt:
Die interne Anmeldefrist der Fakultät für Psychologie ist der 19. Januar 2025. Die Anmeldung erfolgt durch das Belegen via services.unibas.ch (Start: 01. Januar 2025). Vom 20. Januar bis 2. Februar 2025 wird die Einteilung in die Praxisseminare der HI-PSY durch das Studiendekanat vorgenommen. Die Studierenden werden in der Woche vom 3. Februar 2025 über Zusage oder Absage der Teilnahme vom Studiendekanat informiert. Bitte stornieren Sie die Belegungen von allen HI-PSY-Praxisseminaren, in denen Sie keinen Platz erhalten haben.
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Einsatz digitaler Medien kein spezifischer Einsatz


Intervall Wochentag Zeit Raum
wöchentlich Dienstag 14.15-15.45 Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004


Datum Zeit Raum
Dienstag 18.02.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 25.02.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 04.03.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 11.03.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Fasnachstferien
Dienstag 18.03.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 25.03.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 01.04.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 08.04.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 15.04.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 22.04.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 29.04.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 06.05.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 13.05.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 20.05.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Dienstag 27.05.2025 14.15-15.45 Uhr Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.004
Module Modul: Praxis Health and Interventions (Masterstudium: Psychologie)
Modul: Praxis Klinische Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften (Masterstudium: Psychologie (Studienbeginn vor 01.08.2024))
Prüfung Lehrveranst.-begleitend
Hinweise zur Prüfung 1. Seminar participation (25%). Students are expected to read all assignments and be prepared to
actively participate in the discussions at all seminar sessions. In addition, students will assume responsibilities for leadership of portions of designated seminars.

2. Student critique of proposals (25%). Each student will complete a primary review of another student’s first draft of a proposal (15%) and a secondary review of a second student’s first draft of a proposal (10%). The reviews will be presented in class with the primary reviewer presenting first and the secondary reviewer adding any additional comments. After the primary and secondary reviews have been presented, other class members can make additional comments and the author of the proposal can ask questions/provide clarification.

Responsibilities of Primary Reviewer (in 3 pages or less please):
a) Describe the research proposal
b) Explain if the background addresses current state of research in the field: Sets out the scientific background and basis of the project, explains the need to perform research in this area, and describes important studies.
c) Does it provide a detailed research plan: Provides information on aims, rationale, methods and data for the project; the scientific methods needed in order to achieve the aims of the project; the data that need to be collected.
d) Importance, Impact and Results: The project describes the expected outcomes, the importance for patients/ families/ communities/ the healthcare system/ the broader scientific community.

Responsibilities of Secondary Reviewer (in 2 pages or less please):
a) Evaluate the scientific Importance, timeliness and originality of the project
b) Evaluate the suitability of the methodological approach and the feasibility of the project
c) Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the proposal

3. Course paper (50%)
Students will develop a research proposal for an intervention study using SNF format for doctoral application. http://www.snf.ch/SiteCollectionDocuments/stip_weisungen_doc_ch_gsw_e.pdf

The components of the proposal will include:
1. Summary ½ page. A brief description of the general problem.
2.0 Research plan (outline). A maximum of 8 pages for the subchapters (including illustrations and formulae, but excluding the bibliography).
2.1. State of research to the chosen topic.
2.2. Objectives, data and methods. Please mention your goals, the data to be used and the methods envisaged for achieving the objectives.
2.3. Relevance of the project. Please explain how the results aimed for will be of relevance.
2.4. Schedule (Optional) Please mention the principal stages in the project through to the completion of your doctoral thesis.
2.5. Importance of workplace(s). (Optional) Please give reasons for your choice of dissertation supervisors and place of work. Please give details of the envisaged supervision and, if applicable, of your integration into adoctoral school or doctoral program. If you plan to do part of your dissertation at a host institution abroad, you must submit a corresponding request giving reasons.
2.6. Bibliography Please indicate the scientific publications that are relevant to the envisaged research.

All members of the class are expected to read all first drafts. The final draft should address issues raised in the reviews.

Submission deadline: 3.6.25 by 15:00 is the final deadline for students to submit their final assignment.
An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung Anm.: Belegen Lehrveranstaltung; Abm.: stornieren
Wiederholungsprüfung keine Wiederholungsprüfung
Skala Pass / Fail
Belegen bei Nichtbestehen beliebig wiederholbar
Zuständige Fakultät Fakultät für Psychologie, studiendekanat-psychologie@unibas.ch
Anbietende Organisationseinheit Fakultät für Psychologie

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