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20640-01 - Exkursion: Grosse Exkursion (Äthiopien) (3 KP)

Semester Herbstsemester 2008
Angebotsmuster einmalig
Dozierende Jan Beck (jan.beck@unibas.ch)
Simon Paul Loader (simon.loader@unibas.ch)
Peter Nagel (peter.nagel@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn)
Inhalt The excursion to Ethioipia will focus on a number of subject areas in the field of environmental sciences. Students will visit South East and Eastern parts of Ethiopia, including the Rift Lakes, Bale Mountains, Awash National Park, Dire Dawa and Addis Ababa. At each site an overview covering the main subject areas (see list below) will be made. Particular attention will be made on the different ecosystems occuring in Ethiopia and the biogeographical patterns of the ani-mals and plants that are distributed their. During the excursion we will also be conducting re-search, with students active involvement in projects being carried out in the department on vertebrates and invertebrates and their biogeographical patterns and histories. The excursion complements the „Begleitendes Seminar zur grossen Exkursion (Äthiopien)“ forming the es-sential background to the excursion.

Topics covered in the excursion to Ethiopia will include:

1. Climate of Ethiopa.
2. Geology and geomorphological processes
3. Fauna and Flora of Ethiopia: their distribution and biogeographical history.
4. Human Evolution.
5. Human impact of Ethiopian ecosystems.
6. Sustainable development.
7. Ethology of Ethiopia.
8. History of Ethiopia.
Bemerkungen The excursion is already fully booked.


Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Einsatz digitaler Medien kein spezifischer Einsatz


Intervall Wochentag Zeit Raum

Keine Einzeltermine verfügbar, bitte informieren Sie sich direkt bei den Dozierenden.

Module Modul Applied African Studies (Master Studiengang: African Studies)
Modul Physiogeographie (Master Geographie 02)
Prüfung Lehrveranst.-begleitend
An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: Dozierende
Wiederholungsprüfung keine Wiederholungsprüfung
Skala Pass / Fail
Belegen bei Nichtbestehen nicht wiederholbar
Zuständige Fakultät Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, studiendekanat-philnat@unibas.ch
Anbietende Organisationseinheit NLU Biogeographie

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