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Semester | Herbstsemester 2010 |
Angebotsmuster | einmalig |
Dozierende | Brigit Obrist van Eeuwijk (brigit.obrist@unibas.ch, BeurteilerIn) |
Inhalt | The theme: Health and illness are fundamental human experiences which have been shaped by society at any time in history. Society structures understandings and interpretations of bodily symptoms and causes of illness as well as individual, social and societal actions to maintain health, prevent and cure illness. In our time, however, healing traditions which have developed to a large extent separately from each other have come into contact and, in consequence, undergo rapid change. The acceleration of these movements of ideas, people, goods and technologies is occasionally attributed to the processes of globalization that increasingly penetrates all parts of the world. Even villages and tiny hamlets have become remotely global and are also affected by the change in health or medical scapes at the national and international level. This situation calls for novel theoretical attempts to conceptualize the actual transformations of health and illness on the ground. From a social anthropological point of view, it is necessary to link the different levels of analysis and interpretation. The seminar thus adopts a somewhat unusual structure and combines general and theoretical work with empirical analyses of specific cases of health transformation. The Research Seminar is a new format of teaching. It brings MA and PhD students together and aims at introducing them to recent research and recent theorizing in the field of one of the three research groups at the Institute of Social Anthropology at the University of Basel. The Research Seminar is structured into three parts: 1. A reading of recent general and theoretical publications. 2. A study of relevant cases based on the literature. 3. A series of presentations of ongoing PhD projects. MA students are expected to present either a recent general book on political transformation or a paper on an empirical case. The presentations of the general, more theoretical books and publications should be about 30min. long. The MA students can read and do the presentations together with a PhD student as a small team. For the empirical studies, we mainly propose case studies from Africa, but the students are invited to choose case studies that they are interested in. The presentations on empirical cases should be based on a reading of all available sources and thus can cover 45min. PhD students should link one of the more general theories to their own empirical data and try to show how a possible interpretation would look like if they apply such an approach to their data. They can also present a chapter of their thesis if it fits to the theme of the research seminar. As an alternative, we encourage PhD students to work together with MA students on one of the theoretical issues and to do the presentation together with them. |
Bemerkungen | Teilnahme an der Vorbesprechung ist Voraussetzung für die Übernahme einer Seminararbeit. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist beschränkt, die Plätze werden nach Anmeldedatum und Studienfachzugehörigkeit vergeben. Vorrang haben die Studierenden der Ethnologie und der African Studies. Die Anmeldung erfolgt über ISIS. |
Weblink | http://www.unibas-ethno.ch/studium/lehrv |
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen | Für BA-Studierende auf Seminarstufe. |
Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung | http://www.isis.unibas.ch |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch |
Einsatz digitaler Medien | kein spezifischer Einsatz |
Intervall | Wochentag | Zeit | Raum |
Keine Einzeltermine verfügbar, bitte informieren Sie sich direkt bei den Dozierenden.
Module |
Modul Environment and Human Well-Being (Master Studiengang: African Studies) Modul Fachgeschichte der Ethnologie (Master Studienfach: Ethnologie) Modul Politik und Entwicklung (Master Studienfach: Soziologie) Modul Politik, Entwicklung und soziale Ungleichheit (Bachelor Studienfach: Soziologie) Modul Sachthematische Fragestellungen der Ethnologie (Bachelor Studienfach: Ethnologie) Modul Sachthemen der Ethnologie (Master Studienfach: Ethnologie) Modul Social Anthropology (Master Studiengang: African Studies) Modul Theorie der Ethnologie (Master Studienfach: Ethnologie) Modul Wirtschaft, Politik und Entwicklung (Master Studienfach: Soziologie) Modul Wissenschaftliche Vertiefung (Bachelor Studienfach: Ethnologie) |
Prüfung | Lehrveranst.-begleitend |
Hinweise zur Prüfung | Lehrveranstaltungs-begleitend |
An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung | Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: nicht erforderlich |
Wiederholungsprüfung | keine Wiederholungsprüfung |
Skala | Pass / Fail |
Belegen bei Nichtbestehen | nicht wiederholbar |
Zuständige Fakultät | Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät, studadmin-philhist@unibas.ch |
Anbietende Organisationseinheit | Ethnologisches Seminar |