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70722-01 - Colloquium: Marketing Strategy (3 CP)

Semester fall semester 2024
Course frequency Every fall sem.
Lecturers Andreas Lanz (, Assessor)
Content Although CMOs and marketing professionals can increasingly capitalize on rich, granular data about consumers to engage in data-driven decision-making, the strategic relevance of the marketing function remains low and is still predominantly situated in the tactical––and not strategic––corner. This is surprising given the value creation of any business is achieved in the market, where the planning, execution, and monitoring should be in the hands of the marketing function.

Being able to convincingly attribute marketing spendings, and tie it directly to the bottom line, is a prerequisite for the marketing function to gain strategic relevance. In fact, not only do CMOs need to monitor the effectiveness by means of relevant metrics, but at the same time, they need to appropriately communicate on the C-level.

The goal of this course is to expose you to the challenges that CMOs face and establish a marketing mindset based on the Spreading Wings Framework that puts the marketing function back to where it belongs: in the heart of value creation.

You will be able to apply the Spreading Wings Framework, which shows the variety of interactions of the typical customer with a given business––altogether the process of creating value––from the awareness to the advocacy stage, and states for every given stage the corresponding marketing spending as well as the guiding metrics. To uncover the customer journey map along which value is created, you will also be able to implement a structured process based on LEGO Serious Play.

The Spreading Wings Framework will provide you with an understanding of the entirety of the marketing function, because it integrates as well as aggregates the tactical dimension. This will help you as a future marketing professional to understand the bigger picture of the marketing function, and the decision-making of CMOs in particular.

Note that this is a hands-on marketing course with several business leaders: tba.

Also note that for establishing a complete marketing mindset, combining both strategy and tactics, Marketing Strategy (which focuses on the strategic level) is best combined with Marketing Analytics.
Learning objectives At the end of the course, and holding a workshop with a business leader, you will be able to apply the Spreading Wings Framework and thereby gain strategic relevance of the marketing function. More specifically, you will be able to
• Uncover the customer journey map (based on LEGO Serious Play).
• Allocate marketing spending.
• Select relevant marketing metrics.

Overview of Days 1-3:
1. LEARN and EXPERIENCE the Customer Journey (Guests: tba)
2. FORMALIZE and QUANTIFY the Customer Journey
3. APPLY and PRESENT the Spreading Wings Framework (Guests: tba)
Bibliography • Bendle, N.T., P.W. Farris, P.E. Pfeifer, and D.J. Reibstein (2020). Marketing Metrics, Pearson.
• Best, R., V. Mittal, and S. Sridhar (2023). Market-Based Management.
Comments Submit your CV including a motivation email indicating your specific Master’s program (and major) to by September 1.


Admission requirements None (strong marketing focus is a plus)
Course application As the number of participants is limited to 20, please submit your CV including a motivation email indicating your specific Master’s program (and major) to by September 1. You are then notified within a day whether you are admitted––and thus enrolled––or not.

Note that students in the major "Marketing and Strategic Management" of the Master of Business and Economics as well as students of the Master in Business and Technology will be admitted with high priority.

Eucor-Students and mobility students of other Swiss Universities or the FHNW first have to register at the University of Basel BEFORE the start of the course and receive their login data by post (e-mail address of the University of Basel). Processing time up to a week! Detailed information can be found here:

Applies to everyone: enrollment = registration for the assessment!
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
täglich See individual dates


Date Time Room
Wednesday 04.09.2024 08.15-18.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31
Thursday 05.09.2024 08.15-18.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31
Friday 06.09.2024 08.15-18.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31
Modules Modul: Business Field: Marketing (Masterstudium: Business and Technology)
Modul: Business Field: Strategy and Organization (Masterstudium: Business and Technology)
Modul: Specific Electives in Labor Economics, Human Resources and Organization (Masterstudium: Wirtschaftswissenschaften)
Modul: Specific Electives in Marketing and Strategic Management (Masterstudium: Wirtschaftswissenschaften)
Assessment format record of achievement
Assessment details Group-project presentation (attendance and participation is a must!)
Assessment registration/deregistration Registration/deregistration: teaching staff
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale 1-6 0,1
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Business and Economics ,
Offered by Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät / WWZ

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