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74444-01 - Colloquium: Aktuelle Forschungen im Bereich des Aussereuropäischen Christentums (3 CP)

Semester spring semester 2025
Course frequency Once only
Lecturers Andreas Heuser (, Assessor)
Content joint discussion of research projects in process; individual paper presentations;
preparation: participation international reseach colloquium and conference in Dar es Salaam, July 2025.

Besprechung laufender Dissertationsprojekte; wechselseitige Kommentierung; Vorbereitung der Teilnahme am internationalem Kolloquium und Konferenz Dar es Salaam Juli 2025
Learning objectives critical reflection of ongoing research projects; motivational exchange of research experineces and research questions; impulses for continued writing-up of dissertation.reflection on methods.

Schreibmotivation Diss; kritische Reflexion von Forschungsvorhaben; enge Begleitung von Forschungsprozessen; Methodendiskussion
Bibliography tba


Admission requirements open for doctoral students

offen für Doktorierende
Course application online
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
Block See individual dates
Comments Blocktag am Freitag, 25. April 2025, 9-18h (Besprechung laufender Projekte)


Date Time Room
Friday 25.04.2025 09.15-12.00 Theologie, Besprechungsraum Hinterhaus E004
Friday 25.04.2025 12.00-18.00 Theologie, Kleiner Seminarraum 201
Modules African Studies: Recommendations (PhD subject: African Studies)
Doctoral Studies Theology: Recommendations (Doctoral Studies - Faculty of Theology (start of studies before 01.02.2024))
Doctoral Studies Theology: Recommendations (PhD subject: Doctorate Theology)
Doctoral Studies Theology: Recommendations (PhD subject: Philosophical Doctorate Theology)
Modul: Reflexion interkultureller Gegenwartsfragen in der Theologie (ÖM 2) (Master's degree subject: Theology)
Modul: Reflexion interkultureller Gegenwartsfragen in der Theologie (ÖM 2) (Master's Studies: Theology)
Assessment format record of achievement
Assessment details no specific requirements

keine besonderen Hinweise
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: teaching staff
Repeat examination one repetition, best attempt counts
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Theology,
Offered by Fachbereich Theologie

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