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58388-01 - Course: Mixed Methods Research (5 CP)

Semester spring semester 2025
Course frequency Irregular
Lecturers Manfred Max Bergman (, Assessor)
Content This introductory course will teach participants when, how, and why to integrate a qualitative and a quantitative research component within one research design. The first part will cover research design issues, theoretical assumptions, and justifications for mixed methods. The second and third part will deal with qualitative and quantitative perspectives in a mixed method research design, including issues relating to integration, joint displays, and sampling for mixed methods research. The fourth part will explore solutions to practical problems as well as presentation and publication strategies for mixed methods research.
Learning objectives - reflect on the current limits of how qualitative and quantitative research are presented
- appreciate the opportunities and challenges of mixed method research designs
- design a basic mixed methods project and present it at the end of the workshop
Bibliography Bergman (2008). Advances in mixed methods research. SAGE.
Bergman (2010). The politics, fashions, and conventions of research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research.
Bergman (2020). Mixed Method and Multimethod Research and Design. In Berg-Schlosser, D., Badie, B., & Morlino, L. (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Political Science. SAGE.
Fetters, M. The Mixed Methods Research Workbook. SAGE.
Comments This course will be held in English.


Admission requirements Basic familiarity with either qualitative or quantitative methods.
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used
Course auditors welcome


Interval Weekday Time Room
Block See individual dates


Date Time Room
Monday 24.02.2025 10.00-16.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 107
Tuesday 25.02.2025 10.00-16.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 107
Wednesday 26.02.2025 10.00-16.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 107
Thursday 27.02.2025 10.00-16.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 107
Friday 28.02.2025 10.00-16.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 107
Modules Modul: Digital Humanities, Culture and Society (Master's degree subject: Digital Humanities)
Modul: Erweiterung Gesellschaftswissenschaften M.A. (Master's degree subject: Political Science)
Modul: Erweiterung Methodenkenntnisse BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Study of Religion)
Modul: Methoden der Near & Middle Eastern Studies und der Gesellschaftswissenschaften (Master's degree subject: Near & Middle Eastern Studies)
Modul: Methoden der Soziologie und der Gesellschaftswissenschaften: qualitativ (Master's degree subject: Sociology)
Module: Methods for Analyzing Changing Societies (Master's degree program: Changing Societies: Migration – Conflicts – Resources)
Module: Research Skills (Master's degree program: African Studies)
Module: Societal Approaches (Master's Studies: European Global Studies)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details Pass-fail based on active participation and assignments.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Offered by Fachbereich Soziologie

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