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27375-01 - Master's project: Molekulare Psychologie - Genetics of human Memory (3 CP)

Semester spring semester 2011
Course frequency Once only
Lecturers Dominique de Quervain (
Andreas Papassotiropoulos (, Assessor)
Content The unique human feature of building episodic memories and reporting them verbally has been crucialfor the human evolution. This ability allows us to voluntarily recall episodes of our lives, share common memories and teach others what we have learned - a prerequisite for the development and transmission of human cultures. The capacity of human episodic memory is highly variable across individuals due to different genetic and environmental conditions.
This project aims at better understanding the genetic basis, mechanisms, and origin of episodic memory by exploiting pluridisciplinary methodologies in the field of neuropsychology, behavioral genetics, neuroimaging, and molecular biology. Firstly, neuropsychological assessment of human subjects from different socio-cultural and ethnic origin is performed to extract fundamental patterns of interaction between memory, genes and environment. Secondly, naturally occurring genetic variants influencing cognitive abilities are identified in the human subjects by high-throughput analyses, and the polygenic nature of memory is investigated. Thirdly, neuronal activity related to the formation and retrieval of episodic memory is measured by high-field functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).


Admission requirements Abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium.
Course application Die Anmeldung zu den Masterprojekten und dem Masterstudium muss schriftlich erfolgen. Das entsprechende Formular kann auf der Institutshomepage heruntergeladen werden.
Language of instruction German
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Modul Masterprojekt Klinische Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften (Master Psychologie)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details Für die regelmässige Teilnahme am Masterkolloquium (27454) werden 2 CP vergeben. Zusätzlich können mit der praktischen Masterprojekt-Arbeit 3 CP erworben werden.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: teaching staff
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Psychology,
Offered by Faculty of Psychology

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