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13185-01 - Lecture: E1: Genomics in Drug Discovery Research (2 CP)

Semester fall semester 2011
Course frequency Every fall sem.
Lecturers Paul L. Herrling (, Assessor)
Torsten Schwede (
Content This course discusses the application of genomics research on drug discovery in the
pharmaceutical industry. Integrated approaches of computational biology and
bioinformatics have lately emerged as key disciplines for the application of human
genome derived data to disease gene discovery and molecular epidemiology. These
disciplines are increasingly important in the biopharmaceutical industry for the
discovery of novel, more effective, and safer medicines.

Sept 20: Dominic Höpfner (Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research): Invertebrate models and functional genomics: Why study yeast for drug discovery?
Sept 27: Pascal Mäser (STPH): From parasite genomes to drugs
Oct 4: Frank Städtler (Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research): Analytical tools for genome wide analysis: arrays vs. next-generation sequencing.
Oct 11: Daniel Hoyer, Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research: RNA interference and target validation in the brain
Oct 18: Mihaela Zavolan (Biozentrum, Uni Basel): Principles of RNA interference
Oct 25: Erik van Nimwegen (Biozentrum, Uni Basel): Computationally reconstructing transcription regulatory networks
Nov 1: Michael Stadler (Friedrich Miescher Institute): From chromatin to RNA: Tag-based applications of next-generation sequencing
Nov 8: Manuel Peitsch (Philip Morris International R&D): A network-based approach to quantify the impact of biologically active substances
Nov 15: Dirk Schübele (Friedrich Miescher Institute): Functional epigenomics as a tool to study transcriptional regulation
Nov 22: Dr. Isabel Filges and Prof. Peter Miny (UKBB): 1. Arrays in chromosome diagnostics. 2. Molecular genetic analyses in clinical genetic diagnostics: A (clinical) reality check
Nov 29: Matthias Müller (Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research): The use of transgenic mice in pharmaceutical industry
Dec 6: Peter Grass (Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research): Principles of study design of genomic experiments
Dec 13: Caroline Gubser Keller (Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research): Genomics and data mining in early drug discovery: therapeutic target identification
Dec 20: Karin Blumer (Novartis Switzerland): Do not harm - the moral dilemma of animal research in the life sciences
Comments Organisation: Laura Viviani und Prof. Dr. T. Schwede


Language of instruction English
Use of digital media Online, optional


Interval Weekday Time Room

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Cycle E: Computational and Systems Biology (PhD subject: Biochemistry)
Cycle E: Computational and Systems Biology (PhD subject: Biophysics)
Cycle E: Computational and Systems Biology (PhD subject: Genetics)
Cycle E: Computational and Systems Biology (PhD subject: Microbiology)
Cycle E: Computational and Systems Biology (PhD subject: Cell Biology)
Cycle E: Computational and Systems Biology (PhD subject: Pharmacology)
Cycle E: Computational and Systems Biology (PhD subject: Neurobiology)
Cycle E: Computational and Systems Biology (PhD subject: Bioinformatics)
Cycle E: Computational and Systems Biology (PhD subject: Structural Biology)
Cycle E: Computational and Systems Biology (Master Molecular Biology)
Module Specialisation: Molecular Biology (Master Nanosciences)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details At least 85% attendance is required, in addition to a written summary of a chosen lecture (2-3 A4 pages) to be handed in until December 21st, 2011, preferably as pdf by email to
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: teaching staff
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Science,
Offered by Departement Biozentrum

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