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Semester | fall semester 2014 |
Course frequency | Every fall sem. |
Lecturers |
Thomas Jung (
Martino Poggio (, Assessor) |
Comments | Übungen 2 h: Biologen: Mi 14-16, Pharmazeuten: (in Gruppen) Di 8-10, Geowissenschaften: Mi 17-19 oder nach Vereinbarung |
Language of instruction | German |
Use of digital media | No specific media used |
Interval | Weekday | Time | Room |
No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.
Modules |
Modul Physik (Bachelor's degree subject: Biology) (Pflicht) Modul Physik für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften (Bachelor Pharmaceutical Sciences (Start of studies before 01.08.2012)) (Pflicht) Module Basics of Science: Physics (Bachelor Geosciences) Module Physics (Bachelor Pharmaceutical Sciences) (Pflicht) Module Physics (Bachelor Biology (Start of studies before 01.08.2013)) (Pflicht) Module Physics (Bachelor Biology) (Pflicht) |
Assessment format | exam |
Assessment registration/deregistration | Reg.: in 'course reg.'; dereg.: Dean of Std. Off. in writing |
Repeat examination | one repetition, best attempt counts |
Scale | 1-6 0,5 |
Repeated registration | no repetition |
Responsible faculty | Faculty of Science, |
Offered by | Departement Physik |