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39429-01 - Seminar: Contemporary Debates in Bioethics: Insights into prisons (2 CP)

Semester spring semester 2015
Course frequency Once only
Lecturers Wiebke Bretschneider (
Violet Fleur Handtke (
Tenzin Wangmo (, Assessor)
Content Prisoners are housed in institutions with a broad range of safety standards to protect society from criminal re-offences. The deprivation of their liberty renders them particularly vulnerable as they live in what Erving Goffman called a 'total institution'. They also constitute a marginal group that is often invisible in our everyday life and are a difficult population to access. The purpose of imprisonment is retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, and rehabilitation; yet, these must always be balanced against humanitarian considerations. In this lecture series, students will be introduced to prison issues focusing particularly on health and health care. National and international experts provide insights on how prison health systems function in different developing countries and in Switzerland. The ethical conflicts in case of hunger-striking prisoners will be explored, as well as typical problems such as infectious diseases and overcrowding will be addressed. Finally, the problems of elderly prisoners in correctional facilities will be tackled together with end-of-life issues and the provision of assisted suicide for detainees.


Course application mail an und Mona
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used
Course auditors welcome


Interval Weekday Time Room

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Aufbaumodul (Teil C) (Transfakultäre Querschnittsprogramme im freien Kreditpunkte-Bereich)
Lehrveranstaltungen Promotionsfach Bio- und Medizinethik (PhD subject: Biomedical Ethics)
Modul Praktische Philosophie (Master's degree subject: Philosophy (Start of studies before 01.08.2013))
Modul Praktische Philosophie (Master's degree subject: Philosophy)
Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen für den Wahlbereich Theologie (Master Theology)
Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen Neurobiologie (PhD subject: Neurobiology)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details Anwesenheit und Seminararbeit.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: teaching staff
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Medicine
Offered by Institut für Bio- und Medizinethik

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