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45388-01 - Seminar: Sustainability Science: Principles and Practice (3 CP)

Semester fall semester 2016
Course frequency Once only
Lecturers Basil Bornemann (, Assessor)
Content With its growing popularity as a role model for society and politics, the idea of sustainability has also triggered developments in the field of science. Sustainability has not only become a widely covered object (e.g., sustainability problems and issues) and important normative guiding vision for research and teaching, but also a reference point for re-considering the epistemological, methodological and organizational foundations of modern science as such. Sustainability propelled new ideas and practices of sustainability science, and it triggered theoretical and methodological developments in multiple academic disciplines and fields. Yet, these developments have not come to an end. In fact, sustainability science needs to be considered as dynamic field. Theories and practices of sustainability science are constantly challenged and (intentionally or not) shaped by societal, cultural, technological and political changes. A more recent indication of such change is the emerging discourse on the Anthropocene that seems to challenge at least some of the established principles and practices sustainability science.

Against this backdrop, the seminar seeks to examine sustainability science in light of dynamic landscapes of societal developments. After looking back to the development of the field, the seminar explores the principles and practices of contemporary sustainability science. Moreover, it will reflect on current challenges and possible directions for future developments in sustainability science. In accordance with these basic elements, the seminar addresses the following and other closely related questions:
(a) How has sustainability science emerged and developed over time?
(b) What are basic principles of sustainability science and how do these principles become manifest in scientific practice?
(c) How does sustainability science interact with societal developments? How do current societal problems challenge sustainability science?
(d) What are possible routes for further developing sustainability science in theory and practice?
Learning objectives By the end of this semester the participants will…
… be familiar with the emergence and recent developments in sustainability science;
… have an overview of the basic principles and understandings of sustainability science;
… have acquired knowledge and skills necessary to critically analyze and reflect on theories and practices of sustainability science;
… have extended and deepened competences in presenting and actively taking part in academic discussions in the field of sustainability science.
Bibliography tba during the semester
Comments Please note special entry requirements and course application.

Anrechnung im MSD 2010 gemäss Modulpublikation anstelle des bisherigen GK III (12882); die LV kann nicht für den Vertiefungsbereich Phil.-Hist. angerechnet werden.
Dieses Seminar steht NUR jenen offen, die den Grundkurs III (12882) nicht abgeschlossen haben.

Dies ist ein Angebot vom MSD, B. Bornemann ist Mitarbeiter im Fachbereich Nachhaltigkeitsforschung.


Admission requirements Special course application required for ALL (for details see 'course application'). Limited number of participants (25), Students of the MSD have priority. If you study something different you must do a master degree within the 'Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences' and can only attend after the requiered application and in case of vacancies. Course applications in a different way then explained ARE NOT taken into account
Course application Mandatory course application for ALL: Link open from 22.08.2016/noon - 11.09.2016/midnight:

In case of vacancies the online application link remains open after 11.09.16 until the second week of teaching (week 39) + 2 days.

NOTE: Be aware of special entry requirements. Course inscription via MonA remains mandatory for all participants.
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Modul Grundlagenbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften (Master Sustainable Development)
Assessment format record of achievement
Assessment details The seminar will entail students’ presentations and moderated group discussions based on handouts prepared by the presenting group. Additional methodical and didactical elements are possible upon students’ initiatives.

In order to successfully accomplish the seminar students are required to fulfill three assignments: (a) regular and active attendance of class meetings; (b) oral presentation and thesis paper (=handout); (c) essay about a specific seminar topic.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale 1-6 0,1
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty University of Basel
Offered by Fachbereich Nachhaltigkeitsforschung

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