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Semester | spring semester 2018 |
Course frequency | Once only |
Lecturers |
Attila Stetak (, Assessor)
Vanja Vukojevic ( |
Content | The main focus of our work is to better understand the molecular aspects of learning and memory. Based on association between memory performance and genetic polymorphisms we identified candidate genes in humans. As a next step, we would like to validate and investigate the function of these novel genes in learning using the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans as a model. The simple nervous system of C. elegans allows complex behaviors (e.g. associative learning). This fact, together with the very high similarity between the human and worm genomes makes C. elegans a good model system to investigate molecular mechanisms of learning and memory. We believe that our findings could have a direct impact on the general knowledge of the human learning process.We are looking for a motivated master student who is interested in working in a research lab using typical molecular biological methods. |
Comments | Im FS18 werden neue Studierende aufgenommen. |
Admission requirements | Abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium. |
Course application | Der verbindliche Anmeldeprozess zum Masterprojekt wird über eine Web-Applikation geregelt, die sich auf der Fakultätshomepage befindet (>Studium >Masterstudium >Vertiefungen >Masterarbeit, -projekt und Kolloquium). Angaben dazu, ob ein Masterprojekt in einem Semester Studierende aufnimmt, finden Sie im VVZ unter „Bemerkungen“. |
Language of instruction | English |
Use of digital media | No specific media used |
Interval | Weekday | Time | Room |
No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.
Modules |
Modul Masterprojekt Klinische Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften (Master Psychology (Start of studies before 01.08.2015)) Modul: Masterprojekt Klinische Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften (Master Psychology) |
Assessment format | continuous assessment |
Assessment details | Für die regelmässige Teilnahme am Masterkolloquium werden 2 KP vergeben. Zusätzlich können mit dem praktischen Masterprojekt 3 KP erworben werden. |
Assessment registration/deregistration | Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration |
Repeat examination | no repeat examination |
Scale | Pass / Fail |
Repeated registration | no repetition |
Responsible faculty | Faculty of Psychology, |
Offered by | Faculty of Psychology |