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50520-01 - Practical course: Read the Romantics, Actually (3 CP)

Semester spring semester 2018
Course frequency Irregular
Lecturers Regula Hohl Trillini (, Assessor)
Content This is designed as a follow-up to Prof. Habermann's survey lecture "Romantics to Victorians" (course no. 21764) but can be profitable also without this background. Students will read, discuss and read aloud from a selection of essential texts mentioned in the lecture (focusing on Romantic rather than Victorian poetry and prose).
Learning objectives First-hand reading experience in print (the original medium of the discussed works) of seminal 'Romantic' and not-so Romantic texts from 1790-1830, and discussion.
Bibliography We will dedicate one meeting to every text or group of texts and participants will be required to use and bring along a paper edition of each. Contact for the definitive reading list from early January.

Most of the set poems will be contained in various editions of the "Norton Anthology of English Literature" (volume 2 of the two-volume Seventh and Ninth editions or volume D of the Eighth Edition). Other materials will be made available on ADAM for printing out. For participants who are looking to build a personal library, the reading list will suggest paperback "Selected Works" or "Complete Works" that are well worth buying.

In any case, participants will be required to bring paper copies of the following books (which every serious student of Eng. Lit. should own anyway!), in any edition:
- Jane Austen "Northanger Abbey"
- Mary Wollstonecraft "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman"
- William Godwin "Caleb Williams"
- Mary Shelley "Frankenstein"
- Jane Austen "Emma"

Viewing the excellent film version of Jane Austen's (anti-)Romantic novel "Sense and Sensibility" (by Emma Thompson, dir. Ang Lee) will provide a relaxed conclusion to the course; reading that novel in preparation will enhance the enjoyment of watching the film but is not mandatory.
Weblink ADAM


Admission requirements Open to everybody; Hörer only if the maximal number of participants (18) is not reached with regular students.
Course application The course is currently booked out; students who would like to be put on a waiting list should contact
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media Online, mandatory


Interval Weekday Time Room

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Interphilologische Lehrveranstaltungen für die Slavistik (Master's degree subject: Slavic Studies (Start of studies before 01.08.2013))
Modul Advanced Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies (Bachelor's degree subject: English)
Modul Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies (Master's degree subject: English)
Modul English & American Literature (Master's degree subject: English (Start of studies before 01.08.2013))
Modul Focusing on the Discipline (Literary and Cultural Studies) (Bachelor's degree subject: English (Start of studies before 01.08.2013))
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: English)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: German Language and Literature)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: French Language and Literature)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Spanish Language and Literature)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Italian Language and Literature)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Nordic Philology)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree program: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft MA (Master's degree subject: Slavic Studies)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft MA (Master's degree subject: English)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft MA (Master's degree subject: German Language and Literature)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft MA (Master's degree subject: French Language and Literature)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft MA (Master's degree subject: Spanish Language and Literature)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft MA (Master's degree subject: Italian Language and Literature)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft MA (Master's degree subject: German Literature)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft MA (Master's degree subject: Latin Philology)
Modul Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft MA (Master's degree subject: Nordic Philology)
Modul Introduction to Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies (Bachelor's degree subject: English)
Modul Refining Skills in Literature and Culture (Bachelor's degree subject: English (Start of studies before 01.08.2013))
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details Regular attendance, reading the set primary works, active participation, chairing a meeting.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Offered by Fachbereich Englische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft

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