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Semester | fall semester 2018 |
Course frequency | Once only |
Lecturers |
Dominique de Quervain (, Assessor)
Anja Zimmer ( |
Content | Phobias are very common anxiety disorders. The treatment of choice is confrontation with the feared stimuli or situtation. However, simulating and controlling fear-provoking situations are a challenge for therapists. And a lot of people don’t seek professional help, because they avoid any kind of confrontation. We want to investigate the use of a newly developed smartphone application to reduce the fear of spiders in participants. This would provide a user-friendly tool for self-help in subclinical phobias and additionally, can be an ad-on in clinical therapy. Work includes preparing and conducting the study as well as analysing data. Note: Low or no fear of spiders is desirable, as catching and moving spiders with a glass will be required. |
Bibliography | Wird in der Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben. |
Comments | Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch und/oder Englisch. Im HS18 werden neue Studierende aufgenommen. |
Admission requirements | Abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium. |
Course application | Der verbindliche Anmeldeprozess zum Masterprojekt wird über eine Web-Applikation geregelt, die sich auf der Fakultätshomepage befindet (>Studium >Masterstudium >Vertiefungen >Masterarbeit, -projekt und Kolloquium). Angaben dazu, ob ein Masterprojekt in einem Semester Studierende aufnimmt, finden Sie im VVZ unter „Bemerkungen“. |
Language of instruction | German |
Use of digital media | No specific media used |
Interval | Weekday | Time | Room |
No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.
Modules |
Modul Masterprojekt Klinische Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften (Master's Studies: Psychology (Start of studies before 01.08.2015)) Module: Master's Project in Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Master's Studies: Psychology) |
Assessment format | continuous assessment |
Assessment details | Für die regelmässige Teilnahme am Masterkolloquium werden 2 KP vergeben. Zusätzlich können mit dem praktischen Masterprojekt 3 KP erworben werden. |
Assessment registration/deregistration | Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration |
Repeat examination | no repeat examination |
Scale | Pass / Fail |
Repeated registration | no repetition |
Responsible faculty | Faculty of Psychology, |
Offered by | Faculty of Psychology |