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60855-01 - Lecture: Chinese Politics (3 CP)

Semester spring semester 2021
Course frequency Every spring sem.
Lecturers Ralph Weber (, Assessor)
Content In this lecture on Chinese politics, we will adopt a focus that puts the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) front and centre and explain the State and other institutions from this vantage point. We will read key documents like the CCP Constitution and the Constitution of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and many more less prominent texts, some of which translated for the first time, in order to learn about the Marxist-Leninist fundament on which politics unfolds in the PRC and which co-defines the capitalist aspects of today's second largest economy, its take on foreign policy and much more.
As an additional task, we will follow the lianghui, the two meetings, referring to the annual plenary sessions of the National People's Congress and the national committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, which takes place in spring.
Bibliography The literature will be made available via ADAM.
Weblink Europainstitut Basel


Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Tuesday 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -


Date Time Room
Tuesday 02.03.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 09.03.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 16.03.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 23.03.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 30.03.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 06.04.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 13.04.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 20.04.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 27.04.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 04.05.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 11.05.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 18.05.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 25.05.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Tuesday 01.06.2021 12.00-14.00 - Online Präsenz -, --
Modules Modul: Erweiterung Gesellschaftswissenschaften M.A. (Master's degree subject: Political Science)
Modul: Europäisierung und Globalisierung (Master's Studies: European Global Studies)
Modul: Transfer: Europa interdisziplinär (Master's degree program: European History in Global Perspective)
Modul: Vertiefung Politikwissenschaft M.A. (Master's degree subject: Political Science)
Assessment format record of achievement
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale 1-6 0,5
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty University of Basel
Offered by Europainstitut

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