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70676-01 - Seminar: Contemporary Debates: Animal Research Ethics and the 3R (2 CP)

Semester spring semester 2024
Course frequency Once only
Lecturers Bernice Simone Elger (, Assessor)
Edwin Louis-Maerten (
Aoife Milford (
Content The use of animals in science has been attributed to key developments in many major fields of biology and medicine. So much so that many scientists feel that animal use is indispensable I order to pursue further scientific breakthrough. But the use of animal for experimental purposes (including basic research, translational and applied research, regulatory testing and education) is a case of heated debates and is being more and more challenged in some countries. For instance, the Swiss citizens filed a popular initiative to ban animal experimentation in Switzerland, which was voted against in February 2022, and a new popular initiative is now on its way. In the European Union, the citizen’s initiative “Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics – Commit to a Europe without animal testing” was also debated at the Parliament last July. At the moment, the ethical grounds justifying animal experimentation are based on two major tenets that are the 3R (Replace, Reduce, Refine) and Harm-Benefit analysis. These tenets are enshrined into most national laws and institutional guidelines, as well as in the European Directive 2010/63 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes. However, both are subject to increasing contests concerning their relevance with regard to our current understanding of animal welfare science, ethics and law, transparency in their review process led by Animal Ethics Committees, and their actual implementation in the laboratories by the animal research community.
This Contemporary Debates Seminar will dive into the concept of 3R and explore the practical issues involved in implementing them with examples taken from research, education and testing. A broader view on animal research ethics will also be taken, with considerations pertaining to the care of research staff, the scientific validity of animal use, or the moral status of animals being included. In these ten interactive sessions, course participants will attend presentations from leading international and national experts, and invited to discuss the ethical issues and proposed solutions at the end of each session.
Learning objectives Understand the ethical and practical issues related to Animal Research Ethics and the 3R


Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used
Course auditors welcome


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Monday 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Comments Mondays at 12.15-13.45 in USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1 on the following dates: February: 26.02 March: 04.03; 11.03; 18.03; 25.03 April: 08.04; 15.04; 22.04; 29.04 May: 06.05; 13.05; 27.05


Date Time Room
Monday 26.02.2024 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Monday 04.03.2024 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Monday 11.03.2024 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Monday 18.03.2024 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Monday 25.03.2024 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Monday 01.04.2024 12.15-13.45 Ostern
Monday 08.04.2024 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Monday 15.04.2024 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Monday 22.04.2024 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Monday 29.04.2024 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Monday 06.05.2024 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Monday 13.05.2024 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Monday 20.05.2024 12.15-13.45 Pfingstmontag
Monday 27.05.2024 12.15-13.45 USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
Modules Aufbaumodul (Teil C) (Transfakultäre Querschnittsprogramme im freien Kreditpunkte-Bereich)
Aufbaumodul (Teil D) (Transfakultäre Querschnittsprogramme im freien Kreditpunkte-Bereich)
Doctorate Biomedical Ethics: Recommendations (PhD subject: Biomedical Ethics)
Doctorate Nursing Science: Recommendations (PhD subject: Nursing Science)
Electives Master Nursing: Recommendations (Master's Studies: Nursing)
Modul: Praktische Philosophie (Master's degree subject: Philosophy)
Modul: Probleme der Praktischen Philosophie (Bachelor's degree subject: Philosophy)
Modul: Soziologische Theorie BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Sociology)
Modul: Soziologische Theorie MA (Master's degree subject: Sociology)
Modul: Weltgesellschaft und Globalisierung (Master's Studies: Religion - Economics - Politics)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details 1. Only one unexcused absence will be allowed. An additional absence may be allowed only if satisfactory reasons are provided.
2. Students are expected to write a 1300 words essay (bibliography excluded) on one of the topics presented during the seminar, and include their personal thoughts on the ethical issues raised and the solutions discussed. Essays are to be written in English (Arial, font size 11 and 1.5-line spacing). More details will be provided at the introductory class.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: teaching staff
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Medicine
Offered by Institut für Bio- und Medizinethik

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