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58989-01 - Lecture: Computing for Business and Economics (3 CP)

Semester fall semester 2024
Course frequency Every fall sem.
Lecturers Dietmar Maringer (, Assessor)
Content This course provides an introduction to different computational methods relevant in economics and business, combining theoretical concepts with hands-on implementations. The main topics are:
* introduction to programming with Python,
* selected topics from computer science (software engineering, algorithms, data structures)
* fundamental numerical techniques (roots, systems of equations, unconstrained optimization), and
* basics of Monte Carlo simulation.
Learning objectives Participants will be able to implement economic and business models and to solve them numerically, using Python. This course is also provides the foundation for subsequent courses with strong computational components.
Bibliography Langtangen, H. P. A Primer on Scientific Programming Using Python Springer, 2014

Miranda, M. J. & Fackler, P. L. Applied Computational Economics and Finance The MIT Press, 2002

Brandimarte, P. Numerical Methods in Finance and Economics, Wiley-Interscience, 2006

Gilli, M.; Maringer, D. & Schumann, E. Numerical Methods and Optimization in Finance, Academic Press, 2nd edition 2019. (or 1st ed., 2011)


Admission requirements Completed Bachelor Degree
Course application Registration: Please enroll in the Online Services (;

Eucor-Students and mobility students of other Swiss Universities or the FHNW first have to register at the University of Basel BEFORE the start of the course and receive their login data by post (e-mail address of the University of Basel). Processing time up to a week! Detailed information can be found here:
After successful registration you can enroll for the course in the Online Services (

Applies to everyone: Enrolment = Registration for the course and the exam!
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Wednesday 09.15-12.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG.37


Date Time Room
Wednesday 18.09.2024 09.15-12.00 --, --
Wednesday 18.09.2024 09.15-12.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG.37
Wednesday 25.09.2024 09.15-12.00 --, --
Wednesday 25.09.2024 09.15-12.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG.37
Wednesday 02.10.2024 09.15-12.00 --, --
Wednesday 02.10.2024 09.15-12.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG.37
Wednesday 09.10.2024 09.15-12.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Auditorium
Wednesday 09.10.2024 09.15-12.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG.37
Wednesday 16.10.2024 09.15-12.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG.37
Wednesday 23.10.2024 09.15-12.00 No class, --
Wednesday 30.10.2024 09.15-12.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG.37
Wednesday 06.11.2024 09.15-12.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG.37
Wednesday 13.11.2024 09.15-12.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG.37
Wednesday 20.11.2024 09.15-12.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG.37
Modules Module: Core Courses in Business and Economics (Master's Studies: Business and Economics)
Module: Core Courses in Data Science and Computational Economics (Master's Studies: Business and Economics)
Module: Core Courses in Finance and Money (Master's Studies: Finance and Money)
Module: Field Electives in Economics and Public Policy (Master's Studies: Economics and Public Policy)
Module: Field Electives in Finance and Money (Master's Studies: Finance and Money)
Module: Fundamentals in Business and Technology (Master's Studies: Business and Technology)
Module: Specific Electives in Business and Economics (Master's Studies: Business and Economics)
Module: Specific Electives in Data Science and Computational Economics (Master's Studies: Business and Economics)
Assessment format exam
Assessment details Active participation, assignments, and written final exam. Details to be agreed during the course.

Date of written exam: 18.12.24; 08:45-09:45. Bernoullianum, grosser Hörsaal: A-Z.

Exam rooms will be published until 09 December 24.
You can still withdraw from the examination by submitting a completed, signed form to our office from 15.10.24 until 25.10.24 / 12:00 o’clock. The deregistration form and the mail address can be found on the homepage of the Dean of Studies Office:
Prior to 14.10.24, please deregister only in the Online Services.

repeat exam: 04.02.25; 14:15-15:15.
You will receive the rooms for the repeat exam by mail.

For courses with main lecture exams, a repetition date is offered in addition to the regular examination date. These repeat exams can only be taken if you have taken part in the regular examination date and if you failed there, i.e. had a grade < 4.0 (see "Sitting Repeat Examinations" in the English translation of the study guide for our master programs from December 13, 2021).
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration
Repeat examination one repetition, best attempt counts
Scale 1-6 0,1
Repeated registration one repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Business and Economics ,
Offered by Faculty of Business and Economics

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