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20721-01 - Lecture with practical courses: Ecosystems - Concepts, Principles and Processes (3 CP)

Semester fall semester 2024
Course frequency Every fall sem.
Lecturers Priscilla Carrillo Barragan (, Assessor)
Content The principal characteristics and components of ecosystems will be introduced. Through slides (presentations) and textbooks such principles, important processes and interactions between organisms and the abiotic environment will be discussed.

Practical course
Based on scientific literature, relevant topics will be critically analyzed and discussed. The critical reading and analysis of primary literature will be exercised with a focus on understanding the content of scientific articles, as well as on discussing and questioning the authors’ statements, using the presented data. Topically, these sessions will be aligned with the content of the main lecture.
Learning objectives Lecture
- Students know the components of ecosystems;
- they know how these components are interacting and influencing each other;
- they can mediate and argument this knowledge with specific vocabulary.

Practical course
- Students are familiar with the primary literature in natural sciences;
- they acquire familiarity with the structure of articles in natural sciences;
- they develop strategies to efficiently and correctly analyze the content of such articles;
- they critically analyze the statement of a text, based on the presented data;
- they can interpret the provided data autonomously.

Bibliography tba in class.
Comments Mandatory lecture for students of the MSD with focus areas in social sciences and in economics.
Students of the MSD with focus areas in natural sciences may enrol if they have not already taken a comparable course. CP have to be accredit via learning agreement (template available on the website MSD/downloads MSD 2017) for the FASR module.

Teaching takes place:
- lecture: on Monday, 10.15-12 am, for details see "dates and rooms".
- practical course: Tuesday,10.15-12 am. First meeting on 17.09.24 with all participants. During the semester students meet in two groups fortnightly. Details of group building and meeting dates will be provided during the first class on 17.09.24.

The lecture is offered by the MSD. Dr. Priscilla Carrillo Barragan is a post doc staff member of Man-Society-Environment (MSE = MGU Mensch-Gesellschaft-Umwelt).

The lecture by Prof. M. Sauer is financially supported by the Eucor & EPICUR initiative of the university of Basel and by Movetia, the Swiss Agency for Mobility and Exchange.


Admission requirements Limited number of participants (25). Students of the MSD have a first priority.

If you study something different you must do at least a master's degree within the Departement of Enviromental Sciences (Faculty of Sciences) and may attend the course in case of vacancies (= second priority). No other students admitted.

Course application Course enrollment on online services should be completed by the beginning of the teaching period (withdrawal possible until Monday of teaching week five).

Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Monday 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
wöchentlich Tuesday 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Comments Lecture: on Monday; practical course: on Tuesday.
Final written examination on 16. December 24, 90 minutes, during usual lecture time.
Repeat examination: 13. January 25, 90 minutes, during usual lecture time.
For details regarding room see online course directory/section "dates and rooms".


Date Time Room
Tuesday 17.09.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 23.09.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
Tuesday 24.09.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 30.09.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
Tuesday 01.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 07.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
Tuesday 08.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 14.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
Tuesday 15.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 21.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
Tuesday 22.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 28.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
Tuesday 29.10.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 04.11.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
Tuesday 05.11.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 11.11.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
Tuesday 12.11.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 18.11.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
Tuesday 19.11.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 25.11.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
Tuesday 26.11.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 02.12.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
Tuesday 03.12.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 09.12.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 105
Tuesday 10.12.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 16.12.2024 10.15-12.00 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 117
Tuesday 17.12.2024 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Monday 13.01.2025 10.15-12.00 Vesalianum, Seminarraum (O2.02)
Modules Module: Complementary Knowledge in Natural Sciences (Master's Studies: Sustainable Development)
Assessment format record of achievement
Assessment details Compulsory attendance in presence, readings and homeworks according to information of lecturers.

Final written examination on 16. December 24, 90 minutes, during usual lecture time.
Repeat examination: 13. January 25, 90 minutes, during usual lecture time.
For details regarding room see online course directory/section "dates and rooms".

For the admission to the written examination is conditional, proof of achievement for the practical course.
To receive proof of achievement for the practical course, students are required to read the provided literature and participate actively during the discussions. In consultation with the tutor, each participant will choose and present a scientific article and lead the discussion on the content. “Presenting” does NOT mean a classical presentation (e.g., Powerpoint), but to summarize the main findings and prepare the basis for an interactive discussion. Details and support on the preparation will be given during the lecture/practical course.

Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration
Repeat examination one repetition, best attempt counts
Scale 1-6 0,1
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty University of Basel
Offered by Departement Umweltwissenschaften

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