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Semester | fall semester 2024 |
Course frequency | Irregular |
Lecturers | Angela Leipold (, Assessor) |
Content | This workshop will be held by Dr. Oliver Schürmann (Schürmann Consulting & Research) |
Comments | The workshop is offered by the Graduate School of Psychology. Maximum number of participants: 12. Selection criteria: 1. Currently a PhD candidate in psychology 2. First come - first served GSP rules for withdrawal, absence, or partial course attendance: If you cannot attend a workshop that you have signed up for, please cancel your course registration as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to This will allow other PhD stu-dents interested in the course to move up from the waiting list. The GSP strongly values fairness. Af-ter the university’s official registration period has ended, cancelled course will be assessed with NE. Course registrations can be cancelled until one week before the workshops begins. In the case of late cancellations, participants will not be considered for course registration in the next three months of the lecture periods and will be removed from the registration list of any course they have signed up during these three upcoming months of the lecture periods. If an urgent, unforeseeable, or inevitable event before or during the workshop prevents a participant from attending, a written and substantiated withdrawal request that includes appropriate documenta-tion (e.g. a doctor’s note) must be submitted to within two days of the work-shop and without being prompted. The program director decides on the approval of the withdrawal request. ECTS-points are awarded only for 100% course attendance. |
Admission requirements | Doktorat im Bereich Psychologie. Für Masterstudierende im Society&Choice/SWE Science Track: Anmeldung und erfolgreiche Aufnahme in den SWE Science Track. Siehe: |
Language of instruction | English |
Use of digital media | No specific media used |
Interval | Weekday | Time | Room |
unregelmässig | See individual dates |
Date | Time | Room |
Friday 04.10.2024 | 09.00-13.00 | Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.003 |
Friday 18.10.2024 | 09.00-13.00 | Missionsstrasse 64a, Seminarraum 00.003 |
Modules |
Doktorat Psychologie: Empfehlungen (Promotionsfach: Psychologie) Modul: Science Track Society and Choice (Masterstudium: Psychologie) Modul: Science Track Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Entscheidungspsychologie (Masterstudium: Psychologie (Studienbeginn vor 01.08.2024)) |
Assessment format | continuous assessment |
Assessment registration/deregistration | Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration |
Repeat examination | no repeat examination |
Scale | Pass / Fail |
Repeated registration | as often as necessary |
Responsible faculty | Faculty of Psychology, |
Offered by | Fakultät für Psychologie |