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27336-01 - Lecture: Pflanzenschutz und nachhaltiger Pflanzenbau (1 CP)

Semester spring semester 2025
Course frequency Every spring sem.
Lecturers Pascale Flury (
Dominik Klauser (, Assessor)
Content This lecture aims to provide an overview of the most important risks in crop production systems and approaches farmers can take to managing them. This includes an overview of main agricultural pests, diseases and abiotic stresses through case studies and examples. The lecture series will then highlight chemical, biological, physical, and agronomic concepts for crop management and outlines how these concepts can be brought together in the context of integrated crop protection strategies. We also discuss crop protection in the wider context of sustainability debates to identify strategies to sustainably produce sufficient food, feed, and fibre in the future.
Bibliography Scripts will be provided on the ADAM platform the day before the lecture.


Course application
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
14-täglich Tuesday 16.15-18.00 Bernoullistrasse 30/32, Hörsaal 103
Comments The lectures "Pflanzenschutz und nachhaltiger Pflanzenbau" (27336-01) and "Concepts and Methods of Green Biotechnology" (33588-01) can be booked without overlap.


Date Time Room
Tuesday 18.02.2025 16.15-18.00 Bernoullistrasse 30/32, Hörsaal 103
Tuesday 18.03.2025 16.15-18.00 Bernoullistrasse 30/32, Hörsaal 103
Tuesday 01.04.2025 16.15-18.00 Bernoullistrasse 30/32, Hörsaal 103
Tuesday 22.04.2025 16.15-18.00 Bernoullistrasse 30/32, Hörsaal 103
Tuesday 29.04.2025 16.15-18.00 Bernoullistrasse 30/32, Hörsaal 103
Tuesday 13.05.2025 16.15-18.00 Bernoullistrasse 30/32, Hörsaal 103
Tuesday 27.05.2025 16.15-18.00 Bernoullistrasse 30/32, Hörsaal 103
Modules Courses: Master's Studies Ecology (Master's Studies: Ecology)
Courses: Master's Studies Plant Science (Master's Studies: Plant Science)
Electives Bachelor Biology: Recommendations (Bachelor's Studies: Biology (Start of studies before 01.08.2022))
Electives Bachelor Biology: Recommendations (Bachelor's Studies: Biology)
Module: Core Competences in Natural Sciences (Master's Studies: Sustainable Development)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details Written exam 45 minutes,
27.05.2025, 16:15h, Bernoullianum, Hörsaal 103
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale 1-6 0,5
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Science,
Offered by Integrative Biologie

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