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57096-01 - Course: Methods for Analyzing Changing Societies: Advanced (3 CP)

Semester spring semester 2025
Course frequency Every spring sem.
Lecturers Basil Bornemann (
Jamie Pring (, Assessor)
Katrin Sontag (
Content The two courses, “Understanding Changing Societies” and “Analyzing Changing Societies,” provide an overview of different processes, forms, causes and consequences of changing societies, and deepen several aspects from different disciplinary perspectives. While “Understanding Changing Societies” focuses on theory and discourse, “Analyzing Changing Societies” focuses on methodology, methods, cases, and applied research.
As the courses build on each other, students are encouraged to take both courses in the same semester.

Societies are subject to constant change, which takes place across scales and in relation to the movement of people, ways of knowing, practices, concepts, technologies and objects. They shape and are shaped by the fundamental values and norms of societies, the identities and self-understandings of social actors, the relationship and interaction between individuals and collectives, forms of social conflict, governmental strategies and tactical approaches, practices of regulating collective affairs, among other concepts and processes. The nature of such changes can range from the personal, individual level to the level of organizations and networks, that is, large aggregated, social structures such as the state or global markets. Social changes can take the form of disruptive turnarounds, immediate transitions and continuous transformative change. They have numerous exogenous and endogenous causes, interdependent with environmental conditions and technological developments, and the culturally specific interpretations thereof. Finally, societal changes have a variety of consequences and drive or dampen other processes of change from efforts of targeted reflexive design to everyday practices of resilience and contest with a focus on inclusive, sustainable forms of change.
Learning objectives The overall aim of the two courses is to create a common ground for students of the MA program Changing Societies. «Methods for Analyzing Changing Societies” serves students to gain insights into the methodological range through which phenomena of societal change can be studied, analyzed and interpreted. To this end, the course offers an introduction into key methods of “Changing Societies” from different inter/trans/disciplinary perspectives.

By the end of the course “Understanding Changing Societies”, the participants will
1. be familiar with basic concepts and theoretical approaches for the analysis of societal change;
2. have acquired basic knowledge about the forms and dimensions, the causes and conditions as well as the effects and implications of different kinds of societal change from different disciplinary perspectives;
3. have extended and deepened their competences in reading and analyzing texts and in actively taking part in theoretically oriented social scientific discussions.


Admission requirements Before taking this course, it is strongly recommended that students take "Methods for Analyzing Changing Societies: Fundamentals" (No. 58992-01) in the fall semester. It is also recommended that students take "Theories for Understanding Changing Societies: Advanced" (No. 57094-01) in conjunction with this course.
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Thursday 16.15-17.45 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 119


Date Time Room
Thursday 20.02.2025 16.15-17.45 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 119
Thursday 27.02.2025 16.15-17.45 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 119
Thursday 06.03.2025 16.15-17.45 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 119
Thursday 13.03.2025 16.15-17.45 Fasnachstferien
Thursday 20.03.2025 16.15-17.45 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 119
Thursday 27.03.2025 16.15-17.45 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 119
Thursday 03.04.2025 16.15-17.45 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 119
Thursday 10.04.2025 16.15-17.45 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 119
Thursday 17.04.2025 16.15-17.45 Ostern
Thursday 24.04.2025 16.15-17.45 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 119
Thursday 01.05.2025 16.15-17.45 Tag der Arbeit
Thursday 08.05.2025 16.15-17.45 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 119
Thursday 15.05.2025 16.15-17.45 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 119
Thursday 22.05.2025 16.15-17.45 Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 119
Thursday 29.05.2025 16.15-17.45 Auffahrt
Modules Module: Methods for Analyzing Changing Societies (Master's degree program: Changing Societies: Migration – Conflicts – Resources)
Assessment format record of achievement
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination one repetition, repetition counts
Scale 1-6 0,5
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Offered by Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften

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