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11034-01 - Main lecture with practical course: Organische Chemie II: Organische Synthese (3 CP)

Semester spring semester 2025
Course frequency Every spring sem.
Lecturers Christof Sparr (, Assessor)
Content Formation of strategic bonds in organic synthesis:
A. Formation of C-C bonds via organometallics, enolates and equivalents, and pericyclic reactions
B. Formation of double and triple CC bonds from carbonyl compounds and by metathesis reactions
C. Formation of C-O and C-N bonds by cycloadditions and Pd catalysis

A particular emphasis will be made on selective (including stereoselective) reactions.
Learning objectives - Acquire the most important methods for the construction of bonds in organic molecules.
- Learn modern methods employing organometallics and transition-metal catalysts.
- Strengthen the knowledge of the main concepts of reactivity and selectivity, including stereoselectivity models.
- Be able to apply the learnt tools and concepts to construct complex organic molecules.
Bibliography The following textbooks are recommended:
- Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition (Clayden, Greeves, Warren), Oxford University Press;
- Organotransition Metal Chemistry (Hartwig), University Science Books.
Comments Exam: no document nor electronic device is allowed. Molecular models are allowed.
Please download course documents from the Adam workspace and use the course template.


Admission requirements Vorlesung Organische Chemie I.
Course application
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Monday 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
wöchentlich Thursday 09.15-10.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04


Date Time Room
Monday 17.02.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 20.02.2025 09.15-10.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04
Monday 24.02.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 27.02.2025 09.15-10.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04
Monday 03.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 06.03.2025 09.15-10.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04
Monday 10.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Fasnachstferien
Thursday 13.03.2025 09.15-10.00 Fasnachstferien
Monday 17.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 20.03.2025 09.15-10.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04
Monday 24.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 27.03.2025 09.15-10.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04
Monday 31.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 03.04.2025 09.15-10.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04
Monday 07.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 10.04.2025 09.15-10.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04
Monday 14.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 17.04.2025 09.15-10.00 Ostern
Monday 21.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Ostern
Thursday 24.04.2025 09.15-10.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04
Monday 28.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 01.05.2025 09.15-10.00 Tag der Arbeit
Monday 05.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 08.05.2025 09.15-10.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04
Monday 12.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 15.05.2025 09.15-10.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04
Monday 19.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 22.05.2025 09.15-10.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04
Monday 26.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10
Thursday 29.05.2025 09.15-10.00 Auffahrt
Modules Modul: Computational Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Computational Sciences)
Modul: Computational Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Computational Sciences)
Modul: Computational Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Computational Sciences)
Modul: Computational Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Computational Sciences)
Modul: Computational Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Computational Sciences)
Module: Advanced Chemistry (Bachelor's degree subject: Chemistry)
Module: Advanced Chemistry (Master's degree subject: Chemistry)
Module: Chemistry II (Bachelor's Studies: Nanosciences)
Module: Computational Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Computational Sciences (Start of studies before 01.08.2023))
Module: Organic Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Chemistry)
Assessment format exam
Assessment details Examen, schriftlich, 2 Stunden.
Anmeldefrist, Form, Dauer, Zeitpunkt und weitere Informationen zu den Examen werden auf veröffentlicht.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: in 'course reg.'; dereg.: Dean of Std. Off. in writing
Repeat examination one repetition, best attempt counts
Scale 1-6 0,5
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Science,
Offered by Departement Chemie

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