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Semester | spring semester 2025 |
Course frequency | Every spring sem. |
Lecturers | Christof Sparr (, Assessor) |
Content | Formation of strategic bonds in organic synthesis: A. Formation of C-C bonds via organometallics, enolates and equivalents, and pericyclic reactions B. Formation of double and triple CC bonds from carbonyl compounds and by metathesis reactions C. Formation of C-O and C-N bonds by cycloadditions and Pd catalysis A particular emphasis will be made on selective (including stereoselective) reactions. |
Learning objectives | - Acquire the most important methods for the construction of bonds in organic molecules. - Learn modern methods employing organometallics and transition-metal catalysts. - Strengthen the knowledge of the main concepts of reactivity and selectivity, including stereoselectivity models. - Be able to apply the learnt tools and concepts to construct complex organic molecules. |
Bibliography | The following textbooks are recommended: - Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition (Clayden, Greeves, Warren), Oxford University Press; - Organotransition Metal Chemistry (Hartwig), University Science Books. |
Comments | Exam: no document nor electronic device is allowed. Molecular models are allowed. Please download course documents from the Adam workspace and use the course template. |
Admission requirements | Vorlesung Organische Chemie I. |
Course application | |
Language of instruction | English |
Use of digital media | No specific media used |
Interval | Weekday | Time | Room |
wöchentlich | Monday | 10.15-12.00 | Chemie, Physikalische, Grosser Hörsaal PC 3.10 |
wöchentlich | Thursday | 09.15-10.00 | Chemie, Physikalische, Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04 |
Modules |
Modul: Computational Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Computational Sciences) Modul: Computational Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Computational Sciences) Modul: Computational Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Computational Sciences) Modul: Computational Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Computational Sciences) Modul: Computational Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Computational Sciences) Module: Advanced Chemistry (Bachelor's degree subject: Chemistry) Module: Advanced Chemistry (Master's degree subject: Chemistry) Module: Chemistry II (Bachelor's Studies: Nanosciences) Module: Computational Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Computational Sciences (Start of studies before 01.08.2023)) Module: Organic Chemistry (Bachelor's Studies: Chemistry) |
Assessment format | exam |
Assessment details | Examen, schriftlich, 2 Stunden. Anmeldefrist, Form, Dauer, Zeitpunkt und weitere Informationen zu den Examen werden auf veröffentlicht. |
Assessment registration/deregistration | Reg.: in 'course reg.'; dereg.: Dean of Std. Off. in writing |
Repeat examination | one repetition, best attempt counts |
Scale | 1-6 0,5 |
Repeated registration | no repetition |
Responsible faculty | Faculty of Science, |
Offered by | Departement Chemie |