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53772-01 - Lecture with practical courses: Mathematics for Biomedical Engineering II (3 CP)

Semester spring semester 2025
Course frequency Every spring sem.
Lecturers Oumeymah Cherkaoui (
Edgar Delgado-Eckert (, Assessor)
Nair Nan von Mühlenen (
Content Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms, and Laplace transforms and their applications to solving differential equations and image analysis. Systems of coupled linear first-order differential equations. Numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations. Brief introduction to partial differential equations relevant in applied physics and engineering.
Learning objectives - Representing functions as weighted infinite sums or integrals of suitable basic functions, such as trigonometric functions (Fourier series and Fourier transforms).
- Laplace transforms: Learn how the operations of differentiation and integration can be mapped into algebraic operations, thus converting the task of solving an ordinary linear differential equation into the simpler task of solving an algebraic equation over the complex numbers. Applications to control theory (i.e. transfer functions).
- Solve systems of coupled linear first-order differential equations.
- Learn the algorithms behind numerical solvers of ordinary differential equations.
- Get acquainted with partial differential equations relevant in applied physics and engineering.
Bibliography Zill - Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems, International Metric Edition, 9th edition.
Comments Digital media via "Cengage’s WebAssign" (
Weblink DBE


Admission requirements Ordinary differential equations and linear algebra (syllabus content of Mathematics for Biomedical Engineering I course, 52055-01 ).
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media Online, mandatory


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Friday 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.195
wöchentlich Friday 08.15-09.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097


Date Time Room
Friday 21.02.2025 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.195
Wednesday 26.02.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 28.02.2025 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.195
Wednesday 05.03.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 07.03.2025 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.195
Wednesday 12.03.2025 17.15-18.00 Fasnachstferien
Friday 14.03.2025 15.15-17.00 Fasnachstferien
Wednesday 19.03.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 21.03.2025 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.197
Wednesday 26.03.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 28.03.2025 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.195
Wednesday 02.04.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 04.04.2025 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.195
Wednesday 09.04.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 11.04.2025 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.195
Wednesday 16.04.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 18.04.2025 15.15-17.00 Ostern
Wednesday 23.04.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 25.04.2025 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.195
Wednesday 30.04.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 02.05.2025 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.195
Wednesday 07.05.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 09.05.2025 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.195
Wednesday 14.05.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 16.05.2025 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.195
Wednesday 21.05.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 23.05.2025 15.15-17.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.195
Wednesday 28.05.2025 17.15-18.00 Hegenheimermattweg 167B, Lecture Hall 02. 097
Friday 30.05.2025 15.15-17.00 Auffahrt
Modules Modul: Biomedical Engineering Electives (Master's Studies: Biomedical Engineering)
Module Specialisation: Medical Nanosciences (Master's Studies: Nanosciences)
Assessment format record of achievement
Assessment details - 50% of homework exercises points.
- Written exam.
- Exam date: July 2024,
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration
Repeat examination one repetition, best attempt counts
Scale 1-6 0,1
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Medicine
Offered by Departement Biomedical Engineering (DBE)

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