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70411-01 - Lecture with practical courses: Statistics for Biomedical Engineering (3 CP)

Semester spring semester 2025
Course frequency Every spring sem.
Lecturers Klaus Mayer (
Pablo Sinues (, Assessor)
Content The course will involve practical statistics and data-analysis techniques relevant in the biomedical engineering field, with a focus on solving biomedical problems. The course will introduce or repeat basic concepts of statistics but will emphasize on the use and application of statistics and understanding data analysis and representation rather than on understanding the mathematical background of statistics. The course will be set up around relevant and realistic datasets. Students will learn how to understand the fundamental concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics, analyze data and choose an appropriate hypothesis test to answer a given question, compute numerical statistical measures and perform hypothesis tests ‘by hand’, and visualize data and perform statistical analysis. They will learn and explore DOE techniques in a hands-on experiment and learn how to use error analysis to correctly determine (in-)accuracies, essential to the interpretation of any experiment.
Learning objectives After completing the module, students will be able to…
• Visualize data using MATLAB and Python.
• Summarize data via descriptive statistics.
• Use Inferential Statistics.
• Perform power and sample size calculations.
• Use linear regression and correlation analysis.
• Use linear mixed models and ANOVA analysis
• Perform a DOE
• Perform error analysis


Admission requirements Programming in MATLAB at the level of course “Programming Basics with MATLAB”
Programming in Python at the level of course “Programming Basics with Python”/ 69472

Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Thursday 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.191


Date Time Room
Thursday 20.02.2025 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.191
Thursday 27.02.2025 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.191
Thursday 06.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.197
Thursday 13.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Hörsaal U1.101
Thursday 20.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Hörsaal U1.101
Thursday 27.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Hörsaal U1.101
Thursday 03.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Hörsaal U1.101
Thursday 10.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Hörsaal U1.101
Thursday 17.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Ostern
Thursday 24.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Hörsaal U1.101
Thursday 01.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Tag der Arbeit
Thursday 08.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Hörsaal U1.101
Thursday 15.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Hörsaal U1.101
Thursday 22.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.197
Thursday 29.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Auffahrt
Modules Modul: Biomedical Engineering Basics (Master's Studies: Biomedical Engineering)
Assessment format record of achievement
Assessment details • Presentation at the end of the course of a relevant paper covering statistical methods learned during the lectures (30%)
• Exam (70%)
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration
Repeat examination one repetition, best attempt counts
Scale 1-6 0,1
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Medicine
Offered by Departement Biomedical Engineering (DBE)

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