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74345-01 - Internship: Lehrgrabung Vrbjanska Čuka (Nordmazedonien) (3 CP)

Semester spring semester 2025
Course frequency Once only
Lecturers Ferran Antolin (, Assessor)
Content This is a tell site dated between 6000 and 5700 BC, where the University of Basel has been collaborating since 2019. You may choose to focus on the archaeological part of the work or you may ask for an archaeobotanical Praktikum by contacting Ferran Antolín in advance.
Bibliography Sabanov, A., Soteras, R., Hajdas, I., Naumov, G., Antolín, F., 2023. New research on crop diversity of the early farmers in southeastern Europe (ca. 6400 − 5700 bce). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.
Mazzucco, N., Sabanov, A., Antolín, F., Fidanoski, L., Naumov, G., Gibaja, J.F. (2022): The Spread of Agriculture in South-Eastern Europe: new data from North Macedonia. Antiquity 96 (385), 15-33.
Naumov, G., Mitkoski, A., Talevski, H., et al. (2021): The Early Neolithic tell of Vrbjanska Čuka in Pelagonia. Prähistorische Zeitschrift 96 (2): 345-381.
Comments 3 Wochen im Zwischensemester
Weblink Studium PNA - Semester


Admission requirements f you want to do an archaeobotanical Praktikum you should have already visited the Übung für die Bestimmung von Pflanzenreste.
Course application Regularly, you only need to register to attend the praktikum. Only in case of a high number of registrations you will be contacted individually to find a solution.
Language of instruction German
Use of digital media Online, mandatory


Interval Weekday Time Room
Comments Block im Zwischensemester

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Modul: Praxis der Naturwissenschaftlichen Archäologie (Bachelor's degree subject: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Praxis der Naturwissenschaftlichen Archäologie (Bachelor's degree program: Ancient Civilizations)
Module: Practical Archaeology (Bachelor's Studies: Prehistory and Archaeological Science)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Science,
Offered by Integrative Biologie

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