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33426-01 - Seminar: Quantitative Data Analysis in African Studies (3 CP)

Semester spring semester 2025
Course frequency Every spring sem.
Lecturers Elisio Macamo (, Assessor)
Content The aim of this course is to improve participants’ ability to read and critically engage with quantitative research reports. It assumes no advanced knowledge of mathematics and does not expect participants to be familiar with advanced statistical methods. The course will introduce participants to the logic of quantitative analysis by exploring fundamental aspects of the logic underlying it and in this way improving participants’ own analytical and critical skills. In preparation for the course, participants are required to not only read the recommended literature, but also identify a quantitative research report (article, book chapter, etc.), which they are expected to critically evaluate as part of their own evaluation for the course.
Learning objectives Students know
- that “analysis” is above all an exercise in argumentation;
- how to identify the logical structure of explanations in quantitative analysis;
- how basic argument forms such as comparison and representativeness can be deployed in analysis;
- how to avoid the pitfalls of faulty reasoning such as in “cause and effect”, “ignoring evidence” and “anticipation”;
- how to deploy quantitative analytic tools in the context of Africa.
Bibliography Neuman, Lawrence, W. 2007: Basics of Social Research – Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Pearson Education. Boston (chapter 10).
Kalof, Linda, Dan, Amy and Dietz, Thomas 2008: Essentials of Social Research. Open University Press. Maidenhead (chapter 3).
Best, Joel 2001: Damned Lies and Statistics – Untangling numbers from the media, politicians, and activists. University of California Press. Berkeley.
Browne, M. Neil and Keeley, Stuart M. 2007: Asking the Right Questions – A guide to critical thinking. Pearson Prentice Hall. New Jersey.
Murphy, Robert P. Economists Should Be More Careful With Their Statistics. Here:


Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Wednesday 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004


Date Time Room
Wednesday 19.02.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 26.02.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 05.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 12.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Fasnachstferien
Wednesday 19.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 26.03.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 02.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 09.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 16.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 23.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 30.04.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 07.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 14.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 21.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Wednesday 28.05.2025 10.15-12.00 Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum 00.004
Modules Modul: Digital Humanities, Culture and Society (Master's degree subject: Digital Humanities)
Modul: Erweiterung Gesellschaftswissenschaften M.A. (Master's degree subject: Political Science)
Modul: Methoden der Near & Middle Eastern Studies und der Gesellschaftswissenschaften (Master's degree subject: Near & Middle Eastern Studies)
Modul: Methoden der Soziologie und der Gesellschaftswissenschaften: quantitativ (Master's degree subject: Sociology)
Modul: Transfer: Europa interdisziplinär (Master's degree program: European History in Global Perspective)
Module: Methods for Analyzing Changing Societies (Master's degree program: Changing Societies: Migration – Conflicts – Resources)
Module: Preparation Master's Thesis in Social Sciences (Master's Studies: Sustainable Development)
Module: Research Skills (Master's degree program: African Studies)
Module: Societal Approaches (Master's Studies: European Global Studies)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details In preparation for the course, participants are required to not only read the recommended literature, but also identify a quantitative research report (article, book chapter, etc), which they are expected to critically evaluate as part of their own evaluation for the course.
The block course consists of morning sessions only except from tuesday. Participants must allow for sufficient time for daily assignments..
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Offered by Zentrum für Afrikastudien

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