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69529-01 - Practical course: Digital Approaches to Global History: Analyzing Maritime Networks 3 CP

Semester fall semester 2023
Course frequency Once only
Lecturers Christian Futter (, Assessor)
Lea Kasper (
Content This practical course explores the possibilities of digital methods in the historical research of global trade networks. The aim is to build repositories for digitalized historical documents and prepare and work with this data to trace and gain insight into the emerging global maritime trading networks of the 18. and 19. Century. The lecture includes a historical introduction to the subject and an introduction to the digital tools necessary for working with large-scale historical data. In the second part, students will create digital repositories and apply these digital instruments for historical research.
Learning objectives This lecture aims to introduce some of the possibilities the application of digital instruments enables for research in the humanities. The students can apply some of these tools in their research afterwards.
Bibliography Sebastian Conrad, What is Global History? Princeton 2016.
Pierre Singaravélou, Sylvan Venayre (dir.), Histoire du Monde au XIX siècle, Paris 2017.
Roland Wenzlhuemer, Mobilität und Kommunikation in der Moderne, Göttingen 2020.
Karoline Dominika Döring, Stefan Haas, Digital History: Konzepte, Methoden Und Kritiken Digitaler Geschichtswissenschaft, Berlin/Boston 2022.
Marzagalli, Silvia, “The French Atlantic and the Dutch, Late Seventeeth-Late Eighteenth Century.” In: Oostindie, Gert, and Jessica V. Roitman, Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680–1800: Linking Empires, Bridging Borders, Leiden 2014.
Weblink Europainstitut Basel


Admission requirements None
Course application Via Online Services.
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
Block See individual dates


Date Time Room
Friday 27.10.2023 09.00-16.00 Riehenstrasse 154, Hörsaal 00.015
Saturday 28.10.2023 09.00-16.00 Riehenstrasse 154, Hörsaal 00.015
Modules Modul: Digital Humanities, Culture and Society (Master's degree subject: Digital Humanities)
Modul: Europäisierung und Globalisierung (Master's Studies: European Global Studies)
Modul: Methoden der Gesellschaftswissenschaften (Master's Studies: European Global Studies)
Modul: Praxis (Master's degree subject: History)
Modul: Transfer: Digital History (Master's degree program: European History in Global Perspective)
Module: Fields: Knowledge Production and Transfer (Master's degree program: African Studies)
Module: Research Skills (Master's degree program: African Studies)
Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Handel und Unternehmen in der Globalisierung (Master's Studies: European Global Studies)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details Short presentation and paper.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale 1-6 0,5
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Offered by Europainstitut
