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69154-01 - Practical course: Greek Literature 4.0: From Papyri to TEI xml (3 CP)

Semester fall semester 2023
Course frequency Irregular
Lecturers Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello (, Assessor)
Content This block seminar will investigate what is at stake with the current digitization of Ancient Greek literature, in particular its encoding in a “machine readable” form. It will include a practical application: the encoding of new transcriptions of literary papyri in using TEI xml (Leiden + system).
There will be four sessions : 05.10, 02.11, 30.11 and 21.12 (08:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:00).
Learning objectives Get an introduction to the current uses of Ancient Greek literature in combination with digital methods.
Get an introduction to the transcription and edition of ancient literature on papyri.
Learn to encode new literary texts in using TEI xml (Leiden + system).
Learn to use relevant online resources.
Bibliography The list of the main bibliographical resources will be provided and discussed during the first course.
Nicola Regianni, Digital Papyrology I, Methods, Tools and Trends, de Gruyter, 2017
Comments Personal laptops are needed at each session. If you do not have one, please contact the professor.


Admission requirements This course requires prior knowledge of Ancient Greek (Graecum or equivalent). Motivated "false beginners" should get in contact with the professor.
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used
Course auditors welcome


Interval Weekday Time Room
unregelmässig See individual dates


Date Time Room
Thursday 05.10.2023 08.15-17.45 Rosshof, Besprechungsraum 010.1
Thursday 02.11.2023 08.15-17.45 Rosshof, Besprechungsraum 010.1
Thursday 23.11.2023 08.15-17.45 Rosshof, Besprechungsraum 010.1
Thursday 21.12.2023 08.15-17.45 Rosshof, Besprechungsraum 010.1
Modules Modul: Archive / Medien / Theorien (Bachelor's degree subject: History)
Modul: Griechische Geschichte BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Griechische Geschichte BA (Bachelor's degree program: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: English)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: German Language and Literature)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: French Language and Literature)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Spanish Language and Literature)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Italian Language and Literature)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Nordic Philology (Start of studies before 01.08.2022))
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree program: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Nordic Philology)
Modul: Kulturtechnische Dimensionen (Master's degree program: Cultural Techniques)
Modul: Praxis (Master's degree subject: History)
Modul: Theorie und Methoden der Alten Geschichte (Bachelor's degree subject: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Theorie und Methoden der Alten Geschichte (Bachelor's degree program: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Transfer: Digital History (Master's degree program: European History in Global Perspective)
Modul: Vertiefung in Alter Geschichte (Master's degree subject: Ancient History)
Modul: Vertiefung in Geschichte und Altertumswissenschaften BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Vertiefung in Geschichte und Altertumswissenschaften BA (Bachelor's degree program: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Vertiefung in Geschichte und Altertumswissenschaften MA (Master's degree subject: Ancient History)
Modul: Vertiefung und Moderne Anwendung: Literatur-, Religions-, Textwissenschaft (Master's degree subject: Greek Philology)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details Pass or fail
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Offered by Fachbereich Alte Geschichte

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