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Semester No. Format Title Lecturers CP Time and place Aud.
2024005ss 2025 74664-01 Block course Ethics in Science and Medicine: Ethical Evaluation and Authorization of Human and Animal Experiments David Mawufemor Azilagbetor
Bernice Simone Elger
Aoife Milford
3 14-täglich
5Friday, 12.30-14.00
Bernoullistrasse 28, Seminarraum U01
2023004fs 2023 69085-01 Seminar Contemporary Debates in Bioethics: Racism in Medicine and Research: Navigating Through Wicked Problems David Mawufemor Azilagbetor
Bernice Simone Elger
Lester Geneviève
Aoife Milford
2 wöchentlich
1Monday, 12.15-13.45
USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1