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29953-01 - Lecture: Essentials in Toxicology II 1 CP

Semester spring semester 2012
Course frequency Every spring sem.
Lecturers Stephan Krähenbühl (, Assessor)
Content Week 1: Mitochondria: respiratory chain and uncoupling Mitochondria: Fatty acid ocidation (J. Bouitbir, St. Krähenbühl)
Week 2: vorlesungsfrei
Week 3: ER Stress response I + II (Ch. Appenzeller)
Week 4: Redox reactions I + II (K. Brecht)
Week 5: Lysosomes/Phospholipidosis, Cytokie-mediated toxicty/inflammosom (St. Krähenbühl)
Week 6: Mitochondria: DNA, Apoptosis/necrosi (J. Bouitir, St. Krähenbühl)
Week 7: Nuclear receptor-mediated toxicity, Disruption of ion homeostatis (A. Odermatt)

Learning objectives Know different toxins which are abundant in the environment; know mechanisms of toxicity, clinical picture, prophylaxis and treatment of intoxications


Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Module Basic Knowledge in Toxicology and Pharmacology (Master Toxicology) (Pflicht)
Module Specialisation: Toxicology (Master Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: teaching staff
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale 1-6 0,5
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Science,
Offered by Departement Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften
