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10870-01 - Main lecture: Mechanik 4 CP

Semester fall semester 2012
Course frequency Every fall sem.
Lecturers Christoph Bruder (, Assessor)
Content Bewegungsgleichungen, Lagrange-Formalismus
Eindimensionale Bewegung
Kleine Schwingungen
Starre Körper
Hamiltonsche Mechanik
Relativistische Mechanik
Bibliography T. Fliessbach, Mechanik - 6. Aufl.
F. Kuypers, Klassische Mechanik, 8. Aufl.
Landau-Lifschitz, Theoretische Physik Band I: Mechanik
H. Goldstein, J.L. Safko, C.P. Poole, Classical Mechanics

Für mathematisch interessierte:
V.I. Arnold, Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics
J.L. McCauley, Classical Mechanics


Language of instruction German
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Modul Theoretische Physik (Master's degree subject: Physics)
Modul Wahlbereich Informatik (Bachelor's degree subject: Computer Science)
Module Theoretical Physics (Bachelor Computational Sciences) (Pflicht)
Module Theoretical Physics I (Bachelor Physics) (Pflicht)
Vertiefungsmodul Computer Science (Bachelor Computer Science (Start of studies before 01.08.2010))
Assessment format main lecture exam
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: in 'course reg.'; dereg.: Dean of Std. Off. in writing
Repeat examination one repetition, best attempt counts
Scale 1-6 0,5
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Science,
Offered by Departement Physik
