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Semester | spring semester 2014 |
Course frequency | Every spring sem. |
Lecturers | Hubert Schnüriger (, Assessor) |
Content | The central questions of environmental ethics concern the moral obligations we have towards protecting our natural environment. How can these obligations be rationally justified? What do they include? Physiocentric approaches suppose that the value of protecting our environment is not just based on human interests. In contrast, anthropocentric approaches completely explain the obligation to conserve the nonhuman nature by reference to the interests of human beings who for example have a need for an undestroyed environment as an economical ressource or as an area for their relaxation. These different approaches will be discussed in the first part of the course. Sustainable development is aiming at the protection of the economical and ecological conditions of the good life of future generations. By serving this goal environmental ethics becomes part of an ethics concerning our responsibility for the future. In the second part of the course different readings of this responsibility will be discussed. In this context, it will also be examined in which way our obligation to protect our environment can be justified by the idea of justice between present and future generations. |
Learning objectives | The participants know - different approaches in environmental ethics; - the specific problems of intergenerational justice. |
Bibliography | The literature is presented at the beginning of the course |
Comments | Anrechnung im MSD 2005 und MSD 2010 gemäss der publizierten Module. Dieses Seminar steht NUR jenen offen, die KEINE Ethik-Vorkenntnisse haben. Wer die 14253 in einem Vorsemester absolviert hat, kann diese LV nicht ein zweites Mal belegen und KP erwerben. Nach Rücksprache mit P. Burger kann diese LV für den Vertiefungsbereich Phil.-Hist. via LC angerechnet werden. Dies ist ein Angebot vom MSD. H. Schnüriger übernimmt anstelle von B. Schmitz den LA. |
Admission requirements | English version below Zusätzliche Anmeldung über ein spezielles Online-Formular für ALLE erforderlich (Details siehe unter Anmeldung). Teilnehmer/innen-Anzahl begrenzt (25), Studierende vom MSD, IJDSD sowie der verknüpften Masterfächer haben Vorrang. Allen anderen studieren ein Phil.-Hist. Masterfach und können nur bei freien Kapazitäten zugelassen werden. Anmeldungen über ISIS, OLAT, per Email oder in einer anderen Form werden NICHT berücksichtigt. English version: Special course inscription required for ALL (for details see "Anmeldung"). Limited number of participants (25), Students of the MSD, of the IJDSD and those of the above mentioned fields of study have priority. If you study something different you must do a master degree within the "Phil.-Hist." faculty. Course inscriptions via ISIS, email, or in a different way ARE NOT taken in account. |
Course application | Anmeldung über Online-Formular zwingend, Formular ist noch offen/registration is still open: ACHTUNG: Belegen über MonA bleibt zwingend/NOTE: course inscription via MonA remains mandatory. |
Language of instruction | English |
Use of digital media | Online, optional |
Interval | Weekday | Time | Room |
No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.
Modules |
Modul Culture and Society (Master's degree program: African Studies (Start of studies before 01.08.2013)) Modul Fields: Environment and Development (Master's degree program: African Studies) Modul Geisteswissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Nachhaltigkeit (Master Sustainable Development (Start of studies before 01.08.2010)) (Pflicht) Modul Grundlagenbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften (Master Sustainable Development) Modul Kernbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (Master Sustainable Development) |
Assessment format | continuous assessment |
Assessment details | Oral presentation and written essay. |
Assessment registration/deregistration | Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required |
Repeat examination | no repeat examination |
Scale | 1-6 0,1 |
Repeated registration | as often as necessary |
Responsible faculty | University of Basel |
Offered by | Fachbereich Nachhaltigkeitsforschung |