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12036-01 - Lecture with practical courses: Econometrics 6 CP

Semester fall semester 2015
Course frequency Every fall sem.
Lecturers Kurt Schmidheiny (, Assessor)
Content Outline:
1. Causal effects and the logic of randomized experiments
2. Linear regression: Estimation, small and large sample properties, hypothesis testing, omitted variable bias, model selection, functional form, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation, clustering
3. Instrumental variable estimation: Estimation, identification, weak instruments
4. Panel data: fixed effects, random effects
5. Maximum likelihood estimation
6. Binary choice: probit and logit
Learning objectives This course provides students with the basic econometric tools for cross-section and panel data. It is an applied course preparing students to both conduct own empirical research projects and assess empirical research papers. Each of the discussed tools will be implemented using standard statistical software (Stata or R) and real world data. Students will learn how to choose the adequate statistical method, discuss its identifying assumptions, correctly interpret its results and to translate them into economically meaningful answers. This course is supplemented by the course “Fundamentals of Econometric Theory” (41957) which provides formal proofs and additional results.
Bibliography Any textbook in econometrics covers the topics developed in this course. The technical level of this course will be closer to the introductory text- books. However, students with a strong mathematical background may find the advanced textbook more appropriate. The two companions are not self-contained textbooks but useful to deepen the intuitive understanding.
Introductory textbook:
- Stock, James H. and Mark W. Watson (2011), Introduction to Econometrics, 3rd ed., Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Advanced textbooks:
- Cameron, A. Colin and Pravin K. Trivedi (2005), Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications, Cambridge University Press.
- Davidson, Russell and James G. MacKinnon (2004), Econometric Theory and Methods, Oxford University Press.
- Hayashi, Fumio (2000), Econometrics, Princeton University Press.
- Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. (2002), Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, MIT Press.
Companion textbooks:
- Angrist, Joshua D. and Jorn-Steffen Pischke (2009), Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist's Companion, Princeton University Press.
- Kennedy, Peter (2008), A Guide to Econometrics, 6th ed., Blackwell Publishing.
Weblink Weblink


Admission requirements Prerequisites:
Completed BA in Business and Economics and basic knowledge in statistics, particularly the linear regression model
Course application Registration: Please enrol in MOnA. EUCOR-Students have to enrol at the students administration office ( within the official enrolment period. Enrolment = Registration for the exam!
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Grundlagenmodul: Advanced Topics in Economics (Master International and Monetary Economics) (Pflicht)
Kernmodul VWL (Master Business and Economics) (Pflicht)
Modul Internationales Zusatzwissen (Master European Studies (Start of studies before 01.02.2015))
Modul Kernbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften für Fortgeschrittene (Master Sustainable Development)
Modul Methoden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Master European Global Studies)
Modul Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Europäischen Integration (Master European Studies (Start of studies before 01.02.2015))
Assessment format end-of-semester examination
Assessment details written exam: 04.01.16; 10:15-11:55. Bernoullianum: A-GE; Physik: GF-MO; ZLF: MU-Z.
Die Adressen der Prüfungsräume finden Sie hier: Bitte kontrollieren Sie die Raumzuteilung kurz vor den Prüfungen noch einmal!
You can still withdraw from the examination by submitting a completed, signed form to our office from 13.10.15 until 23.10.15 / 12:00 o’clock. Withdrawals sent by email will not be accepted. You will find the examination withdrawal form on the Homepage of the Student Dean’s Office. Prior to 12.10.15, please only use MONA for withdrawing. The exam rooms will be published up to 03.12.15.
Assessment registration/deregistration Registration: course registration
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale 1-6 0,1
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Business and Economics ,
Offered by Faculty of Business and Economics
