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43031-01 - Doctoral course: Doing comparative analysis in interactional linguistics 3 CP

Semester fall semester 2015
Course frequency Once only
Lecturers Lorenza Mondada (, Assessor)
Content This seminar is dedicated to PhD candidates. It tackles the issue of comparison in conversation analysis and interactional linguistics in a way that considers the major methodological procedures of this paradigm : the way in which sequential analyses are done, the way in which « collections » of instances documenting a phenonmenon are build, which is the way to secure the systematicity of the findings ; finally the way in which this approach can be used for other forms of comparison, namely across time (change within history) and across cultures (variation across settings and languages).

The seminar is organized in such a way 1) to start with a synthesis of the main principles of conversation analysis (this is meant for relatively novice PhD students as well as PhD wishing to refresh some key topics), 2) to present how a collection is done (this is the crucial aspect of the analytical methodology), 3) to then enlarge the focus, considering cross-linguistic data.

Within these sessions we will work on the literature, on snythetic presentations by me, and on actual data. We’ll do exercises in every session either on data brought by me or by some participants. I also plan to have discussions about how to read and write papers in conversation analysis / interactional linguistics – on the basis of best examples and eventually specific requests of the participants.

The seminar also includes collateral events with prestigious guests, to which the participants are kindly invited. Moreover, I also offer a MA-only seminar with Peter Auer (U Freiburg) this semester, that might interest PhD students.

Practical information:
Schedule (Place : Maiengasse 51, room 104).

Thursday 17.9., 17h-18h30 : Organization of the seminar. Information. Modes of participation.

Friday 9.10. : session 1 /10h-18h: how to do sequential analysis

15-16.10 : collateral event : workshop with Anna Lindström (Uppsala U)

Friday 23.10. : session 2/10h-18h : how to build collections

3-5.10. : collateral event : workshop with Barbara Fox (Colorado U)

Friday 20.11. (to be confirmed – could also be 27.11.) : session 3/10h-18h : how to do cross-linguistic comparison

in December : session 4/ : cross-cultural comparisons with Elwys De Stefani (Leuwen), Kimmo Svinhufvud (Helsinki), Teppo Jakonen (Helsinki)
Learning objectives Comparing settings, data, phenomena, and details constitutes an ordinary practice within linguistics in general and within conversation analysis in particular. The seminar reflects on the role of comparing in conversation analysis and interactional linguistics. After a revision of the main concepts and analytical tool characterizing this domain, two main approaches will be discussed. The first one is called the analyis of collections in conversation analysis. It constitutes in finding a phenomenon and, in order to offer its systematic analysis, in building a ‘collection’, which characterizes instances of the phenomenon implemented with similar resources (linguistic and embodied), within the same sequential environment and within the same set of actions. Comparative analysis is crucially involved in identifying and recognizing the ‘sameness’ of resources, environments, and actions. The second approach explores how it is possible to build such collections across languages, and revisits more classical approaches in cross-cultural pragmatics, speech act theory, and ethnography of communication by showing how conversation analysis specifically deals with the comparison of actions, formats, and sequences across languages and cultures. Through these two main issues, the seminar aims at exercising the fundamental tools of conversation analysis and at proposing some new advances in the area of comparative conversation analysis.
Comments The seminar will be held in form of Blockseminarien, some of which will be held in collaboration with Heiko Hausendorf at the University of Zürich.


Admission requirements Doktorandenseminar.
Fortgeschrittene Masterstudierende können auf Anfrage ebenso teilnehmen.
Persons interested in participating in the seminar should contact me, so that I can tailor the sessions by considering their special needs/interests (
Course application Persons interested in participating in the seminar should contact me, so that I can tailor the sessions by considering their special needs/interests (
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Doktorat Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft: Empfehlungen (PhD subject: General Linguistics)
Doktorat Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft: Empfehlungen (PhD subject: German Linguistics)
Doktorat Französische Sprachwissenschaft: Empfehlungen (PhD subject: French Linguistics)
Doktorat Historisch-vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft: Empfehlungen (PhD subject: Comparative and Historic Linguistics)
Doktorat Iberoromanische Sprachwissenschaft: Empfehlungen (PhD subject: Ibero-Romance Linguistics)
Doktorat Italienische Sprachwissenschaft: Empfehlungen (PhD subject: Italian Linguistics)
Doktorat Sprachwissenschaft des Englischen: Empfehlungen (PhD subject: English Linguistics)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Offered by Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften
