

40077-01 - Seminar: Future Generations, Sustainability and Justice 3 CP (CANCELLED)

Semester spring semester 2017
Course frequency Every 2nd spring sem
Lecturers Paul Burger (, Assessor)
Content It is widely recognized that 'sustainable' is a specific evaluation criteria for socio-ecological development. It entails among others future orientation and intergenerational justice to distinguish it from classical development approaches, only focusing on intragenerational justice. However, it is far from being trivial in what respect 'intergenerational' can be operationalized such that plausible and empirically manageable assessment criteria will be available. A lot of difficult questions need to be considered. Do we have moral obligations towards future generations? Why should we care about the future? Do future generations have moral claims? What is the domain of concern: only human beings, or in addition animals, or even ecosystems? And what is the time horizon we take into account? What does the so called non-identity problem tell us? How does the relation between intra- and intergenerational justice look like? There are good reasons not to reduce intergenerational justice to discount rates. But how do alternatives look like?
Learning objectives There are two goals for the seminar. First, participants of the seminar will get acquainted with relevant scientific literature on the topic in question and, accordingly, with the arguments presented therein. Second, we will try to identify plausible arguments that are able to give a foundation for developing plausible and empirically manageable sustainability assessment criteria.
Bibliography A list will be given at the beginning of the seminar.
Comments Limited number of participants (25), Students of the MSD, the IJDSD and the above mentioned fields of studies (see "Module") have priority. Students of other fields of study have to be inscribed in a master degree within the "Phil.-Hist." faculty .Course inscription via ISIS, email, or in a different way ARE NOT taken account.

Anrechenbarkeit im MSD 2010 gemäss publiziertem Modul. Studierende mit Studienvariante Phil.-Hist. können diese LV nach Absprache mit P. Burger mittels LC für den Vertiefungsbereich Phil.-Hist. anrechnen lassen.

Dies ist ein Angebot vom MSD. Prof. Dr. P. Burger ist Leiter vom Fachbereich Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (Dep. Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Phil.-Hist. Fakultät).


Admission requirements Requirements:
Special course inscription required for ALL (for details see "registration" or "Anmeldung"). Students of other fields of study than MSD or IJDSD have to be registered in a master degree within the "Phil.-Hist." faculty and have a background in Sustainable Development or in Philosophy.

Course application Mandatory registration for ALL, link open from 19.01.17/noon until 08.02.17/midnight:

Belegen über MonA bleibt zwingend! Course inscription via MonA remains an obligation!

Online registration remains open in case of vacancies until the second week of teaching + 2 days.
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Modul Fields: Environment and Development (Master's degree program: African Studies)
Modul Kernbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (Master Sustainable Development)
Assessment format record of achievement
Assessment details Assignment: Regular attendance, preparation of papers; short presentations; paper (essay with 15-18'000 signs) on one of the topics.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale 1-6 0,1
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty University of Basel
Offered by Fachbereich Nachhaltigkeitsforschung
