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23620-01 - Seminar: Capabilities and Sustainability 3 CP

Semester spring semester 2018
Course frequency Irregular
Lecturers Marius Christen (, Assessor)
Content During the last 20 years or so two development concepts have been established on a global level. Whereas sustainability is strongly committed to taking into consideration environmental issues, the capability approach focuses on poverty issues and criteria for well-being. Strange enough however, there are not many interfaces between them. Although sustainability issues also comprise poverty (justice) issues, the capability approach has little impact in sustainability research and vice versa. From a social science oriented sustainability perspective this is a very unsatisfactory situation. It reflects (in my view) the underestimation of social issues within sustainability discourses. The capability approach might offer a new perspective regarding intra- and intergenerational justice. However, such a perspective is in need to become linked to global scarcity of environmental resources. How this could be conceptually and empirically done will be the core topic of this seminar.
Learning objectives Students
- know the capability approach (Sen, Nussbaum);
- are able to critically link it to core issues of sustainable development (justice, resources);
- are able to identify an empirical or a conceptual research question linking capabilities and sustainability.
Bibliography A list will be handed out at the beginning of the seminar.
Comments Special course application required for ALL. For details see 'course application' (or 'Anmeldung') and 'entry requirements' (or Teilnahmevoraussetzung).

MSD 2017
For Students with Focus area in Social Sciences the seminar is optional for the "Core Competences in Social Scienes" module. It is also possible to transfer the credit points to the "Focal Areas in Sustainability Research" module (Learning Agreement).

Anrechnung im MSD 2010
Dieses Seminar ist im Modul Kernbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Nachhaltigkeitsforschung publiziert und kann nach Rücksprache mit Prof. Dr. P. Burger mittels Learning Contract für den Vertiefungsbereich Phil.-Hist. angerechnet werden.

The seminar is offered by MSD. Dr. Marius Christen is a post doc staff member of the Sustainability Research Group at Unibas.


Admission requirements Special course application required for ALL (for details see 'course application' or 'Anmeldung'). Limited number of participants (25), Students of the MSD, IJDSD, African Studies, Geography and Master in Philosophy have priority. If you study something different you must do a master degree within the 'Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences' and may attend the seminar in case of vacancies. Course applications in a different way then explained ARE NOT taken into account.

Entry requirements for MSD 2017
Students who have chosen the Focus area in Natural Sciences or in Economics must have completed the 'Complementary Knowledge in Social Sciences' module and may transfer the credit points to the "Focal Areas in Sustainability Research" module (Learning Agreement).
Course application Mandatory application for ALL! Link open from 18.01.18/noon - 07.02.18/midnight:

(Login on top row right hand side of ADAM website; list of forms available from 18.01.18/noon on)

NOTE: Be aware of special entry requirements. Course inscription via MOnA remains mandatory for all participants..

In case of vacancies the online application link remains open until the second week of teaching + 2 days.
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Modul Culture and Society (Master's degree program: African Studies (Start of studies before 01.08.2013))
Modul Fachkompetenz Globaler Wandel (Master's degree subject: Geography)
Modul Fields: Environment and Development (Master's degree program: African Studies)
Modul Kernbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (Master's Studies: Sustainable Development (Start of studies before 01.08.2017))
Module: Core Competences in Social Sciences (Master's Studies: Sustainable Development)
Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit (Master's Studies: European Global Studies)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details Oral presentation, written essay.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale 1-6 0,1
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty University of Basel
Offered by Fachbereich Nachhaltigkeitsforschung
