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Semester | spring semester 2020 |
Course frequency | Once only |
Lecturers | Roger Bagnall ( |
Content | Tuesday, 2 June Letters 9:30-12:00 O.Berenike 2.195: private letter (Western desert, 50-75)* P.Fay. 114 : estate management letter (Arsinoite, “archive of Gemellus”, 100)* P.Mil.Vogl. 2.76: private letter (Women’s Letters p. 184) (Arsinoite, second century)* 2:00-4:30 P.Oxy. 18.2183: official letter (Oxyrhynchos, 181)* P.Ryl. 2.256: estate management letter (Arsinoite, Heroninos archive, 256)* online P.Panop.Beatty 2 col. viii: register of official letters (Panopolite, 300)* P.Lond. 6.1915: Meletian controversy (Herakleopolite, 330-340)* Wednesday, 3 June Declarations and petitions 9:30-12:00 P.Oxy. 55.3778: declaration of sheep and goats (Oxyrhynchos, 21)* P.Gen. 1.31 (2 nd ed.): petition (Hermopolite, 145/6)* BGU 1.95: census declaration (Arsinoite, 147)* 2:00-4:30 BGU 1.35: petition (Arsinoite, 222)* SB 1.4448: certificate of sacrifice (Arsinoite, 250)* P.Oxy. 54.3734: price declaration (Oxyrhynchos, 312)* Thursday, 4 June Contracts 9:30-12:00 P.Mich. 5.260/261 = P.Kron. 48: sale of sacred land (Arsinoite, 35)* P.Oxy. 38.2874: lease of land (Oxyrhynchos, 108)* 2:00-4:30 P.Oxy. 38.2875: apprenticeship (Oxyrhynchos, early third century)* P.Col. 7.182: loan (Arsinoite, 373)* Friday, 5 June Orders and receipts 9:30-12:00 O.NYU 64: receipt for tarich( ) (Diospolis?, reign of Augustus)* PSI 3.268: grain tax receipt on ostrakon (Thebes, 134)* SB 10.10546: penthemeros certificate (Arsinoite, Tebtynis, 170)* BGU 3.756: money tax receipt (Arsinoite, 199)* 2:00-4:30 P.Rein. 112: order for payment (Arsinoite, Heroninus archive, 247-253)* P.Col. 7.147: grain tax receipts (Arsinoite, Karanis, 337-342)* P.Oxy. 63.4373: order for payment (Oxyrhynchos, 364)* Saturday, 6 June Registers and accounts 9:30-12:00 P.Mich. 2.123 ii: grapheion register (Tebtynis, Arsinoite, 45-46)* P.Lond. 1.131 : Didymos’ accounts for Epimachos (Hermopolite, 78/9)* 2:00-4:30 P.Mil.Vogl. 1.28: Account of phrontistes Turbo (Arsinoite, 163)* P.Mich. 4.1.224r col. 23: Karanis money tax register (Arsinoite, 172/3)* SB 16.12380: Heroninos account (Arsinoite, 249-268)* |
Learning objectives | This block seminar has as its aim the development of advanced paleographical competence in the reading of Greek papyrus documents on the part of those taking part in it. It will require the reading (from photographs) of a considerable number of texts of various genres and in diverse handwritings spread over a period of about 400 years (the first four centuries of the common era). |
Bibliography | There is no other course bibliography as the reading is entirely of original texts as listed. |
Comments | Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Studierende mit fortgeschrittenen Griechischkenntnissen und Grundlagenwissen in der Papyrologie. |
Admission requirements | Participants in the seminar should have an excellent command of ancient Greek and an elementary level training or better in the reading of Greek papyri. |
Course application | Bitte per Email an |
Language of instruction | English |
Use of digital media | No specific media used |
Interval | Weekday | Time | Room |
No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.
Modules |
Modul: Epochen der europäischen Geschichte: Alte Geschichte (Master's degree program: European History (Start of studies before 01.08.2018)) Modul: Epochen der europäischen Geschichte: Alte Geschichte (Master's degree program: European History in Global Perspective) Modul: Griechische Geschichte MA (Master's degree subject: Ancient History) Modul: Römische Geschichte MA (Master's degree subject: Ancient History) Modul: Vertiefung in Alter Geschichte (Master's degree subject: Ancient History) Wahlbereich Master Geschichte: Empfehlungen (Master's degree subject: History) |
Assessment format | continuous assessment |
Assessment details | Regular attendance and active participation. |
Assessment registration/deregistration | Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required |
Repeat examination | no repeat examination |
Scale | Pass / Fail |
Repeated registration | no repetition |
Responsible faculty | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, |
Offered by | Fachbereich Alte Geschichte |