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57261-01 - Course: 1970: British culture 50 years gone by 3 CP

Semester spring semester 2020
Course frequency Irregular
Lecturers Peter Robert Burleigh (, Assessor)
Content This course is intended as a reflection back onto the year 1970, half a century ago (double the period that I have been teaching in Basel). This is intended as a close reading of that exact year. We will start with the film "Midnight Cowboy" (1969) and consider its possible counterpoint "Sunday Bloody Sunday" (1971) both John Schlesinger films that straddle 1970 and address sexual politics, identity and discomfort. Given this frame of reflection, we will look at other specific 1970 cultural artefacts to read from our position today, taking those residues of 1970 as traces of a structure of feeling, a way to understand that specific location of class, politics, culture. 1970 saw events such as the 3rd Isle of Wight festival; Black Sabbath's first album; a second edition of the Whole Earth Catalogue; the first Gay Pride demonstration in London; the loss of a husband's right to sue for damages in adultery with his wife; the beginnings of the end of consensus politics in the UK...

Please register by e-mail to by 10.2.2020. At the same time please enroll via MOnA.
Learning objectives Students will learn about the structure, manners and mores of 1970, principally through considering British culture. Students will grasp an array of cultural and political events that construct a view from now of the historical juncture then.
Bibliography Readings will be made available at the beginning of term


Admission requirements none
Course application Please register by e-mail to by 10.2.2020. At the same time please enroll via MOnA.
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room

No dates available. Please contact the lecturer.

Modules Modul: Introduction to Academic Communication in English (Bachelor's degree subject: English)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Offered by Fachbereich Englische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
