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56949-01 - Colloquium: The Economics of Climate Change (3 CP)

Semester fall semester 2021
Course frequency Every fall sem.
Lecturers Rebecca Lordan-Perret (, Assessor)
Content In this course, we focus on economic approaches to assessing climate change from a social welfare perspective. We begin with an overview of the scientific basis of climate change and its fundamental connection to economics. We then investigate the current methods used to price the externalities caused by greenhouse gas emissions, including methods to estimate the value of non-market goods (e.g., biodiversity and health) toward the estimation of the social cost of carbon. We discuss the intrinsic ethical meanings and implications of economic modeling choices; the sensitivity of economic results to functional form, underlying assumptions, and uncertainty; and the importance of economic results in informing climate policies globally.
Learning objectives Students will develop an understanding of how economists try to translate the physical impacts of climate change into economic costs using integrated assessment models. By the end of the course, students should have deep understanding of the implications of various modeling assumptions and valuation techniques that enable them to think critically about the useful applications and limitations of these models for policymaking.
Bibliography To be distributed in class.
Comments Use of electronic devices not permitted during course time (this includes taking notes on tablets, laptops, etc). This course is designed to be interactive and discussion-based; electronic devices in this setting have little use and, in fact, typically hinder participation and attention. Please understand that no exceptions can be made for the sake of fairness.
Weblink Weblink to ADAM


Admission requirements Basic course in microeconomics assumed. Familiarity with econometric methods is beneficial.

Due to limited room sizes, the number of participants will be limited to 24. The course will be taught in class without a livestream or recordings.
Students of the Master in Business and Economics and Master in Business and Technology will be given priority for the enrollment.
Students will be informed by September 22, 2021 if they are definitely registered for the course or not.
Course application The course is fully booked! (22.09.2021)
Due to limited room sizes, the number of participants will be limited to 24. The course will be taught in class without a livestream or recordings.
Students of the Master in Business and Economics and Master in Business and Technology will be given priority for the enrollment.

Registration: Please enrol in MOnA. EUCOR-Students and students of other Swiss Universities have to enrol at the students administration office ( within the official enrolment period. Enrolment = Registration for the exam!
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used
Course auditors welcome


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Tuesday 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31


Date Time Room
Tuesday 21.09.2021 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Auditorium
Tuesday 28.09.2021 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31
Tuesday 05.10.2021 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31
Tuesday 12.10.2021 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31
Tuesday 19.10.2021 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31
Tuesday 26.10.2021 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Auditorium
Tuesday 02.11.2021 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31
Tuesday 09.11.2021 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31
Tuesday 16.11.2021 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31
Tuesday 23.11.2021 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31
Tuesday 30.11.2021 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG.31
Tuesday 07.12.2021 12.15-14.00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Auditorium
Tuesday 14.12.2021 12.15-14.00 Juristische Fakultät, Seminarraum S6 HG.52
Tuesday 14.12.2021 12.15-14.00 Juristische Fakultät, Seminarraum S7 HG.50
Modules Module: Core Competences in Economics (Master's Studies: Sustainable Development)
Module: Electives (Master's Studies: Business and Economics (Start of studies before 01.08.2021))
Module: Field Electives in Economics and Public Policy (Master's Studies: Economics and Public Policy)
Module: Policy Field: Environment and Energy (Master's Studies: Economics and Public Policy)
Module: Specific Electives in International Trade, Growth and the Environment (Master's Studies: Business and Economics)
Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit (Master's Studies: European Global Studies)
Assessment format record of achievement
Assessment details The colloquium is composed of weekly readings to motivate our roundtable discussions/lectures of 1.5 hours and homework assignments (format: essays, presentations, or problem sets). As the course is discussion based, attendance is required and will be documented. There are no exams.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale 1-6 0,1
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Business and Economics ,
Offered by Faculty of Business and Economics

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