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72745-01 - Practical course: Greek Culture in Egypt: The Fayum, its Cities and its Texts (3 CP)

Semester fall semester 2024
Course frequency Once only
Lecturers Lavinia Ferretti (
Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello (, Assessor)
Content Located southwest of Cairo, the Fayum has been densely populated during the Hellenistic and Roman period. A massive amount of archeological and textual evidence allows reconstructing the history of the region as well as the daily lives of their inhabitants. After an introduction on the general history of the area in Greco-Roman time, this course will adopt two perspectives: first key thematic topics (administration, agriculture and irrigation, religion and funerary practices, education, etc) and then zoom on the most important sites (Arsinoe, Karanis, Tebtynis, Narmouthis etc). This course is recommanded for students willing to take part in the excursion in Fayum organized by the Ancient History section (15-22 March 2025).
Learning objectives Improve your knowledge on a multi-cultural society over the millenium of Greco-Roman rule in Egypt.
Get an inside on ancient historical sources in their materiality and practical aspects, in particular from Greco-Roman Egypt.
Learn to select relevant information from bibliographical references and online resources.
Bibliography A detailed bibliography will be provided during the course.


Admission requirements This course is open to any motivated student and does not require prior knowledge of Ancient Greek.
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used
Course auditors welcome


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Thursday 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212


Date Time Room
Thursday 19.09.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 26.09.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 03.10.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 10.10.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 17.10.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 24.10.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 31.10.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 07.11.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 14.11.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 21.11.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 28.11.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 05.12.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 12.12.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Thursday 19.12.2024 14.15-15.45 Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Modules Electives Bachelor History: Recommendations (Bachelor's degree subject: History)
Modul: Griechische Geschichte BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Griechische Geschichte BA (Bachelor's degree program: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: English)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: German Language and Literature)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: French Language and Literature)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Spanish Language and Literature)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Italian Language and Literature)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Nordic Philology (Start of studies before 01.08.2022))
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree program: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Interphilologie: Literaturwissenschaft BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Nordic Philology)
Modul: Reflexion, Methodik, Praxis (Master's degree program: European History in Global Perspective)
Modul: Theorie und Methoden der Alten Geschichte (Bachelor's degree subject: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Theorie und Methoden der Alten Geschichte (Bachelor's degree program: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Vertiefung in Alter Geschichte (Master's degree subject: Ancient History)
Modul: Vertiefung in Geschichte und Altertumswissenschaften BA (Bachelor's degree subject: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Vertiefung in Geschichte und Altertumswissenschaften BA (Bachelor's degree program: Ancient Civilizations)
Modul: Vertiefung in Geschichte und Altertumswissenschaften MA (Master's degree subject: Ancient History)
Wahlbereich Master Geschichte: Empfehlungen (Master's degree subject: History)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details Pass or fail
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Offered by Fachbereich Alte Geschichte

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